Visit Hollywood’s Icons of Darkness Exhibit for a Chilling Experience!
If you love horror and science-fiction films, your numero uno destination that you MUST visit is Icons of Darkness, filled with just about all of your favorite cyborgs, predators, aliens, villains and more. Located on the same block as Arnold’s handprints at the TCL Chinese Theater, this horrific gallery not only lets you get inches away from standing in front of many screen-used Terminators, Predators and the screen-worn Mr. Freeze costume, you’re also going to see the most iconic horror villains like Freddy, Jason, Chucky and Pinhead. But what’s an even better treat is that you’ll come face-to-face with your personal favorite creatures like the mutated, transforming dog from The Thing, a big collection of Gremlins, real dinosaurs from the Jurassic Park film, the Alien Queen and so much more! There’s TWO full-sized T-REX heads and many other dinos like the velociraptors and a massive Brachiosauris.

Roughly 95% of these creatures and costumes in the exhibit are authentically screen-used but there’s a very small number of pieces that are recreations. You’ll be guiding along on a small tour group and your guide will be incredibly knowledgeable in the characters and behind-the-scene stories about what it took to acquire the items. The rooms are dark and eerie but the pieces are perfectly lit. There is a sense of awe and terror walking amongst these villains and you’ll be led down a scary corridor where you won’t know which of the monsters might lunge forward toward you. A few characters are set to move by remote control and you’ll never know when to expect an awesome jump-scare.

The exhibit is only 30.00 and 15.00 for kids. This price is much less than other surrounding activities, however, this is by far the very best one! There’s plans to move the exhibit upstairs soon to a bigger space to house twice as many screen-used items but right now it’s still amazing as Hollywood’s greatest event. Learn more about Icons of Darkness by going to their website HERE!
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