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Win a Mini Arnold Statue from His Official Museum!

Arnold's birthday is coming up in less than 2 weeks and as usual TheArnoldFans will celebrate the big day with the fans around the world. Coincidentally. TheArnoldFans have just reached 25,000 followers on our Instagram @thearnoldfans, and we wanted to do a special giveaway to thank you for your support and help us reach the next milestone at 100,000. That is why we have teamed up with the official Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum in Thal, Austria to pick 2 lucky winners that will be receiving a miniature “Arnold’s Classic” directly from Schwarzenegger’s childhood home!

If you haven’t made your ‘pilgrimage’ to Austria yet, this summer might be a good idea. The museum always celebrates Arnold's birthday with special events and activities and is a must visit for all Arnold Fans at some point.

All you have to do is:

    Follow @thearnoldfans and @arnoldschwarzeneggermuseum on Instagram
    Tag your fellow Arnold Fan
    Post a comment regarding your choice of golden or bronzed sculpture.

You can only enter and tag a friend once per post. The contest begins Friday, July 20th and ends on Sunday, July 29th. To earn more entries you can answer “Question of the Day” on our Instagram page starting this Friday and every correct answer gives you an additional entry. Winners will be announced on Arnold's 71st birthday on July 30th.

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Golden sculpture
June 8, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterPriyesh Bargal

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