Get the Book: James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction!
When you think of sci-fi films meshed with heavy action, you’d be lying to yourself if you said Arnold Schwarzenegger is not THE original prototype of the genre. The Terminator, Predator, and Total Recall are just some examples that come to mind. Did the catch the AMC show from James Cameron, a visionary in the field of sci-fi films, called James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction? The good news for fans who do not have AMC, or those who just prefer reading to watching TV shows is you can now own the series as a book!

Insight Editions presents James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction and it is available now as hardcover book. Looking through this book, it’s packed with 224 pages of insight from experts in the film field, such as George Lucas, Steve Spielberg, Guillermo del Toro, and of course, Arnold. Schwarzenegger's interviews from the show, especially in regards to his segment on intelligent machines, is profiled in this book and many great Terminator photos and rare concept sketches are shown.

This cool book is available for $30.00 and is sure to be a great addition for those looking to add to their Arnold collection. You can also purchase the book HERE!

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