Exclusive: Taran Killam Says “Gunther” is Rated R + Arnold’s Singing is Dreadful!"
While our favorite action hero has four films coming out this year, the one I’m most excited about is his mocumentary comedy, Why We’re Killing Gunther. The film’s director, Taran Killam, just told TheArnoldFans that this new Schwarzenegger film will be rated R and worth it! Killam also tells me that the film will finish post production this month and a trailer should come in late spring!
The lead star of the film, Arnold Schwarzenegger, told us a a great deal about "Why We’re Killing Gunther" at the Arnold Classic sports festival.
"It was a lot of fun,” Arnold begin. "The whole premise is I play the number number one hitman in the world and the other hitman are really jealous. They get the TOP hitmen from around the world together and they all plan to wipe me out. SO it’s all about how I eliminate one (hitman) after the next through very, very funny circumstances. They just screw up everything . I end of being the master of disguising myself at being someone else so I’m right inside their group at all times as different characters but they don’t even know it’s me. And that’s what makes it really funny.

The director tells me Arnold is hilarious! While Arnold was fortunate enough to have watched an early cut of the film, Taran Killam tells TheArnoldFans that’s there’s still a week or two to go until they have their finished picture.
“It’s a very funny movie and I just saw it a few days ago,” Arnold says. "Oh, I just remembered, I have a singing scene in the movie.SO I mean, from 1 to 10, if I had to rank myself on singing, it’s definitely a minus 1. So when you see me singing, it is dreadful! But that’s what makes it funny because I (my character) believe I’m going to change my identity to become a western singer and so I built a studio and started singing and totally believe I’m as good as those other guys."
Look for "Why We’re Killing Gunther” to come out late Summer. Maybe the studio should make Gunther earplug promos to hand out for Arnold’s signing?

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