Happy Birthday, Arnold! 69, What an Excellent Age!
"69, dude!" 69 years ago on July 30th, 1947, our favorite action hero and bodybuilder was born and today, on a glorious Saturday, we shall party hard! Arnold, In celebration amongst your fan community, we will be throwing an all-day online party honoring your achievements. Let's all honor Gov. Schwarzengger today by tweeting birthday messages, talking in your best Ah-nuld accent all day long, watching one or a few of your favorite Oak movies, cranking some Arnocorps, eating schnitzel, and drinking beer!
NBC: Arnold is the BOSS on Celebrity Apprentice - airing in January 2017.
Showtime: Arnold will again be participating in the "Years of Living Dangerously" climate change series.

478: Due out in late 2016 or January of 2017, Arnold stars in the revenge drama, 478!
Why We’re Killing Gunther: Arnold plays the world’s greatest hitman in this action comedy!
The Legend of Conan: starts filming in early 2017 (If we’re lucky)
The Predator: Directed by Shane Black, Arnold is rumored to return to the Predator franchise! We LOVE this idea!
Gym Supplements: After Arnold terminated his deal with MusclePharm, he’ll soon be back to unleash an ever better line of supplements!
As if all of these projects weren't enough to keep him busy, Arnold will still find time to participate in After-School All-Stars, The Schwarzenegger Institute at USC, The Arnold Sports Festival, and other causes that are important to him. Plus, he will still spend quality time with his loving family, travel the world with his lovely girlfriend, pump iron with his friends and have many more glorious fan interactions! Is this guy amazing or what?
Send us pics and stories if you host or attend an Arnold Party. Just do something cool and tell us about it via TAFs Twitter, Facebook, or contact form.
Finally, we leave you all here now with a NEW music video to get you pumped for The Legend of Conan, Arnold’s most anticipated movie. See you at the party, Conan! Join us for continued birthday celebration all day long today at our social media pages at Facebook and Twitter, Go, NOW!
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