Arnold Confirmed in "Iron Mask" to Star with Jackie Chan: Updated!
We have just confirmed with our top insider that the recently surfaced photos of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan seen on a movie set are in fact for the sequel to 2014's VIY, however, it is now being referred to as "Iron Mask". "Iron Mask: A Journey to China" is the sequel to the action fantasy film which became Russia's highest grossing film to date. Film titles change often and we've already heard three different names for this project. TheArnoldFans will go by "Iron Mask" until the official press release.
Arnold, who is friends with Chan, has worked on past projects with the martial arts legend in "Around the World in 80 Days" and in anti-piracy commercials.
“Jackie Chan is a great friend,” Arnold begins. “As a matter of fact, my first Segway, which I ride around all over, was from Jackie Chan. He sends great birthday gifts and is a very generous guy, a very smart guy and a very talented guy.”
While we earlier figured Arnold's involvement would only be a quick cameo, the latest Adweek interview with Schwarzenegger leads us to believe this will be an actual substantial co-star role! Arnold said he was filming for 14 days working on a film with Jackie Chan in China, but had a hard stop on Oct. 25 to accept the Brand Visionary Award! 14 days is about 2 or 3 times as long as he filmed for The Expendables 2 and 3 so Arnold may have a solid 30 minutes of screen time!
The original "VIY" starred Charles Dance who many Arnold fans know from his role as the lead villain Benedict in Last Action Hero. British actor Jason Flemyng, who has appeared in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels; Snatch; Transporter 2; Clash of the Titans; Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class, amongst many more films, will reprise his lead role from the first film as Jonathan Green.
A host of stars have been linked to the film at one point in time or another including Rutger Hauer who is said to have attended the press conference in which the sequel was officially announced as well as Steven Seagal and Jason Statham. It is unclear just how long Arnold’s appearance will be, but it has been rumored that Arnold will cameo as a prison warden and that a large scale scene is set in a prison.

Set in the 18th century, "Iron Mask: A Journey to China" is set to release in 2017.
Watch the official trailer for the first VIY film below!

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