Just In Time for Halloween: Terminator Genisys Masks & Accessories!
Now available by Ghoulish Productions, officially licensed Terminator Genisys Halloween masks and accessories are waiting for you! Whether you want to dress up for Halloween, Comic Cons or our annual online Halloween costume party, these masks and accessories are just what we Terminator and Arnold fans need. Then again, if you're not even into dressing up you may still want to purchase some of these cool items for collector pieces in your Arnold man caves!

There are four officially licensed Terminator Genisys masks. Choose from the Endoskeleton, the Arnold T-800 (with wool-like hair that you can comb), T-1000 (played by Byung-hun Lee) or the John Connor T-3000! All masks come with tags and are carefully and beautifully painted!

Officially licensed Terminator Genisys accessories include a John Connor Scar, Endoskull Latex Appliance, Endoskeleton Arm Latex Appliance, T1000 Eye Latex Appliance. Other items not show but are coming soon are Terminator Shotguns and long T1000 wearable arms for all of you "knives and stabbing weapons" needs!
Buy the masks now at www.ghoulishproductions.com. You will notice on their website that the products say "Out of Stock" but if you contact them, they WILL send you the masks now straight from Mexico. Only the masks are available right now but very soon you'll also be able to purchase the other Terminator accessories.
Will you be dressing up this year? Don't forget to enter our annual Halloween costume contest! See previous winners HERE!
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