Exclusive: Arnold Continues Film Career In Addition to TV!
With the exciting news of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the new big boss man on Celebrity Apprentice, many believed the action hero might be calling it quits on movies and leaving on a high note. After all, Terminator Genisys was not only Arnold’s personal second highest hit of his film career, the 440 million dollar fan-loved film also places in 2015's worldwide box office top 10! Celebrity Apprentice will surely entertain but what of The Legend of Conan, Arnold’s most anticipated film? What of T6 and T7? Fear not because Schwarzenegger spoke to our reporters Dorin Iacob and Sandra C. of TheArnoldFans at The Arnold Classic in Madrid today and he confirms he’s not leaving his film fans!

TheArnoldFans: Due to your upcoming TV series, will this affect the outcome of your movie career and are you still taking into consideration Terminator 6, a new Predator and Conan?
“None of this (Celebrity Apprentice) will affect anything because I have managed to do my Terminator movies the same time I have done my Arnold Classic bodybuilding championships and fitness expos around the world and promote my environmental crusade, run the USC Schwarzenegger Institute and the list goes on and on. You CAN do all of those things if you’re very well organized and if you LOVE what you are doing. So I love everything that I do," Schwarzenegger tells TheArnoldFans.
Next Sandra spoke to Arnold about the greatest film ever, Conan! Sandra informed Schwarzenegger of the rebuilding of The Wheel of Pain project in Spain and presented him with a photo which shows great progress. Will this new Wheel of Pain, reconstructed with actual reused parts of the original ’82 wheel, become featured in the new Conan film? That was another story! Schwarzenegger gladly posed with our reporter and signed an autograph for her. We are all very hopeful that The Legend of Conan will be Arnold Schwarzenegger’s next film.

"I’ve seen a script I really like, and every time I see fans, they demand a new Conan. The role means so much to me and I would love to do it again,” the Conan star himself recently told
We at TheArnoldFans believe Arnold can possibly film all of his Celebrity Apprentice parts in just one or possibly two days a week, leaving many more days open for cinematic days of high adventure. And even with Arnold being so busy, he’ll still hit the gym daily to continue his action hero physique for future Terminators and Barbarians.
"I always try to stay active," Arnold explains. “Even when i’m in the middle of filming. Like when we do night filming and we film from 6 in the evening to 6 in the morning, and I will find sometime like 4 in the morning when I can work out with weights. Or 12 midnight. It makes no difference when it is because the body really doesn’t care as long as you get the training everyday. To me, it is very important to do something every day."
Tickets are still available for Sunday’s Q&A with Arnold so GO, NOW if you too would like to see Schwarzenegger in action and chat about all of his upcoming projects! Arnold’s The Arnold Classic fitness and bodybuilding expo is happening right now in Madrid.
"For me, to be here in Spain now for the Arnold Classic for three days is absolute heaven,” Schwarzenegger tells TheArnoldFans. "We will have fun, we will be promoting. We will be talking about health and fitness and we will see the best built men and women in the world. We will see the world’s strongest man here and all kinds of different action left and right. It will be outstanding. I would not exchange my life for anyone’s life because it is so rich with different experiences every day.”

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