Our Infrared Interview with The Terminator's Greg Robbins!
Sometimes we read the same repeating stories from the lead cast members of The Terminator so it is nice to branch out to hear from the other crew members who have fresh NEW Terminator stories. SO today we're bringing you our interview with Greg Robbins, who ran some casting for the film and also landed a couple of memorable roles in the James Cameron film!
TheArnoldFans: Next year is the 30 year reunion of The Terminator. How well do you feel it holds up today?
Greg Robbins: It's amazing that Terminator still finds an audience three decades later. The 18-24 group have discovered the movie and they love it. That doesn't happen very often.
TheArnoldFans: What was your best personal Arnold story
Greg Robbins: One of the my favorite moments in making Terminator is when I got shot in the police station as a cop by Arnold. I come out of a doorway and I shoot Arnold and he rakes the wall with machine gun fire putting 2 holes in the wall 2 holes in me and 2 holes in the other wall. My scene was at the end of a 17 hour day and we shot at Bethlehem steal company in Vernon California. The art department did a great job turning an office building into a police station and then we shot it up.
TheArnoldFans: What was it like to work for James Cameron? Late nights? Lack of sleep? Hardships?
Greg Robbins: Well Jim Cameron would have us rehearse/block before we roll camera and I step out of the door way and go bang-bang and Arnold makes a sound like a machine gun and the script supervisor Brenda Weisman started laughing and she said, "This is ridiculous I'm watching full grown men play cops and robbers". It was pretty funny and intense having Arnold point an uzi at me.
Working for Jim was a great experience for me and he treated me very well. Yes, long nights and no sleep but I learned a lot and a few times when we shot the future scenes he was doing a play back he let me watch and he told me what he was doing. I still use what I learned from him when I direct.
TheArnoldFans: You played the Tiki Motel truck driver and Arnold (seen through the camera with his cyborg vision) passes right by you. What behind the scenes stories can you tell me about this scene?
Greg Robbins: Me being the tiki motel customer was not planned. I was hanging out by wardrobe and someone came and got me and said Jim wanted me so I go to set and he says, "Greg you are going to start to back the truck up and Mike is going to pull you out of the truck". The first take I do just that and the truck almost ran over me and Mike. Actually Jeff Dawn the SFX make-up supervisor pulled me and Mike out of the way of the truck. Jim says to me "Why did you do that" and I said, "Because you told me to". So we just had me look over my shoulder after that.
TheArnoldFans: Which cast and crew members do you keep in tough with? (for instance Jeff Dawn and Peter Kent)
Greg Robbins: I still keep in touch with Jeff Dawn, Kelly Edwards and Donna Smith has been wonderful to me. Also Peter Kent is a business partner and we have worked on 4 projects together in the past 5 years. Actually I hired Peter Kent for Arnold's double.
TheArnoldFans: Who did you cast in The Terminator?
Greg Robbins: I cast all the extras, stand-ins, some stunt guys, the dogs and Ginger's iguana.
Thanks for the stories, Greg!
Want more terminator tales? We think our friends at TheTerminatorFans.com might also have some upcoming Terminator cast and crew interviews online soon so check out their site by clicking here. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for our daily up-to-the-minute news coverage from Schwarzenegger's biggest, best and ballsiest news source!

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