Exclusive: TAFs Prepares You For Zombies with 'Maggie' Screenwriter John Scott 3!
While I'm looking forward to all of Arnold's upcoming film projects, I must say that i'm looking forward to "Maggie" only second behind Conan. Yes, for me, the anticipation for Maggie even trumps Terminator 5 and Expendables 3. Although those franchise films should do great and will be some super-charged action films, Maggie is the one where we'll see an ALL NEW Schwarzenegger. Arnold is really going to amp up his acting performance for this role and I'm very interested in seeing him prove to the world that he's got the natural talent. Get ready for Schwarzenegger's character to tug at your heart-strings with his emotional breakdown as Maggie, his daughter, slowly transforms from a sweetheart to flesh-eating zombie. WIth an acting arsenal, Arnold will fire away with rage, fear, disgust, sadness and other emotions which we don't always get to see our hero act out from his other action films. I'm pumped.
Now let's get down to business. I've unearthed an opportunity to interview the man who WROTE Maggie, John Scott 3! MAGGIE landed on The Black List, a list of the best unproduced screenplays in the industry. There are only a handful of scripts that make it out of thousands for the year and Maggie was a big winner of 2011.
TheArnoldFans: How did you feel when you heard Arnold Schwarzenegger would be the star of an original screenplay you wrote?
John Scott 3: Most people can say they grew up watching Arnold movies, but for me they were inspiring. Those fantastic 80s and 90s movies played such a role in why I love the industry. He's also the reason I lift weights. I first watched PUMPING IRON when I was 20 and while I know there's drama involved, the dedication that he, Lou, and the other cadre of bodybuilders had... well, it got me off my ass an into the gym. I still lift weights to this day. And I have Arnold to thank for that.
TheArnoldFans: Will you be active with the movie development?
John Scott 3: I'll be on set.
TheArnoldFans: It looks like Abigail Breslin has landed the role as Maggie. What are your thoughts on this actress?
John Scott 3: I've been an enormous fan of Abigail's since I saw her in SIGNS. I've loved her in everything I've seen her in. I'm very excited to have her as the titular character.
TheArnoldFans: Just to be sure, Is the tone Maggie more dark and serious or is it more satire like the film, Warm Bodies or Sean of the Dead?
John Scott 3: What I wanted to do with MAGGIE is take the zombie genre and unfold the story from a very microscopic emotional level, delving into the personal relationships. How does this one family handle the fact that their daughter is going to "turn" after a handful of weeks? That's what fascinated me. MAGGIE was an original screenplay I wrote a few years ago. While I drew inspiration from the classic and celebrated zombie films, this is an original idea with no source material.
TheArnoldFans: On Twitter, you posted a couple of images that you felt would make eerie zombie locations. Where are some of the best filming locations to fit this film?
John Scott 3:I grew up in the midwest and wanted to set the story there in order to capitalize on the small town feel so I could let these characters really breathe.
TheArnoldFans: I imagine for a Schwarzenegger film, additional zombie attack segments might be created that might not be in your book. How do you feel about other people tampering with your story by bringing in a little extra action or gore? Or does your story already have a lot of action? Early rumors suggest it only a relationship story between Father and his infected daughter so I’m very curious if Arnold fans can expect some big zombie action or if this will just showcase his dramatic acting abilities.
John Scott 3:I think everyone will have to wait and see. That said, there are a handful of great moments in the film that I think fans will love. At its core, it's a father-daughter story and I'm excited to see Arnold in the role.
Maggie is the script from John Scott 3 about a father (Schwarzenegger) whose daughter (Breslin) is infected by a walking-dead virus that has spread across the country. Commercial director Henry Hobson will helm the film, and production will start in the fall. Schwarzenegger will also produce Maggie with Pierre-Ange Le Pogam, Matt Baer, Trevor Kaufman, Colin Bates and Joey Tufaro.The movie will be executive produced by Bill Johnson, Jim Seibel, Ara Keshishian, Hubert Gibbs, Claudia Bluemhuber and Scott 3. Paddy Considine (The Bourne Ultimatum, The World's End) has also joined the cast.
Filming of Maggie is scheduled this fall, shortly after finishing his role in Expendables 3. Wait, don't go. Before you leave, enjoy our Maggie promotional video which we shot at Comic Con just a few weeks ago. Our favorite zombie girls were given Escape Plan prize packages. This video is a rough cut but will be improved within a few days. Watch it if you dare! Warning: not for choir boys! Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for our daily up-to-the-minute news coverage from Schwarzenegger's biggest, best and ballsiest news source!

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