Exclusive: Troma Tells Us All About Arnold's "Toxic Avenger" Character!
A couple of months ago, we heard Arnold was tied to The Toxic Avenger reboot but ever since Schwarzenegger gave TheArnoldFans the exclusive that he was going to star again as the Terminator in early 2014, fans thought Toxie might have been terminated. Well, it turns out, at age 66, The Austrian Oak might face his busiest year in his life with feature films. Not only will we see Escape Plan and Sabotage soon, we hear from the director of the original Troma film that Arnold will still be adding The Toxic Avenger to his existing film slate of Expendables 3, Maggie, Pump (for Showtime), Terminator 5 and a very hopeful Legend of Conan (the fan favorite)!
TheArnoldFans spoke with Lloyd Kaufman, the creator, director and co-star of the original Toxic Avenger film.
TheArnoldFans: How did you feel when you first heard Arnold Schwarzenegger would be starring in The Toxic Avenger reboot?
Lloyd Kaufman: I had no real knowledge, other than reading it at Cannes that Toxie has now signed Arnold Schwarzenegger. I mean, how happy was I! Now what's interesting is John G. Avildsen, who directed Rocky, directed Cry Uncle, which is a Troma release. Now when we did Cry Uncle, Schwarzenegger had been in Pumping Iron... and as a favor, Avildsen and Troma shot a trailer for Pumping Iron - this was a favor to Don Rudolph who ran Cinema 5, which is where Pumping Iron opened.
TheArnoldFans: Do you think this Toxic Avenger project with Arnold is still happening?
Lloyd Kaufman: Yes, from what I hear, it is still happening.
TheArnoldFans: I understand Schwarzenegger will not be playing the title character Toxie. So do you have any idea who he would play?
Lloyd Kaufman: I know what he'd be playing; he'd be playing a character called Floyd Kaufman. Not Lloyd but Floyd Kaufman. Steven Pink (Hot Tub Time Machine), who is the director, is a big Troma fan. What's been told to me, Schwarzenegger would play a black ops mercenary type, who's called the ExTerminator. I have not read the script but from what I have been told, he (Arnold) will be teaching Toxie how to use his super powers. But I'm just the creator of the Toxic Avenger and I'm not in the creative side... but I am writing and directing the Toxic Avengers 5: The Toxic Twins.
Twins! We hope the Toxic Avengers 5: The Toxic Twins stars Danny Devito! Thanks, Lloyd! Hey, are you wearing the same purple shirt as the one Arnold is wearing above?
Richard Saperstein, the producer of The Toxic Avenger remake tells TheArnoldFans that shooting is expected to occur by the end of this year.
If this is true, will this be Arnold's new upcoming shooting schedule?
August: filming Expendables 3 for a few weeks.
September through November: filming Maggie, the zombie film.
December: filming a small part in the Toxic Avenger for a few weeks.
Early February through May: Filming Terminator 5
August: filming The Legend of Conan
The Toxic Avenger has become a worldwide phenomenon has has a global fan-base from its movies, cartoon, toys and comic books. With a modern and gritty remake, and a better Toxie design, we're sure this film can be a monster hit. Arnold, as a badass black-ops mercenary has the potential for greatness and we hope he brings back a beard! We're guessing this would be more of a great cameo role for our favorite action hero but we're still excited for this role!
I guess our staff is going to be as busy as Arnold over the next year. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for our daily up-to-the-minute news coverage from Schwarzenegger's biggest, best and ballsiest news source! We've got another big exclusive coming right up. If you want it, you'll be back!

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