Escape Plan’s Schwarzenegger Talks T5 and Rambo Vs Conan!
As promised, here’s our second interview from the fan-screening of Escape Plan, which occurred three months before the film’s actual release date of October 18th! First, Stallone stepped up to our spot on the red carpet but now we’re ready to share our Schwarzenegger interview. After he signed a few fans' posters, he turned to face me. I got a got smile from Schwarzenegger when he saw I had made it out here to cover yet another one of his premieres.
Schwarzenegger: Hey, good to see you!
TheArnoldFans: So you’ve done a few projects now for Stallone and I was wondering if you feel like he now owes you to be in one of your upcoming movies like T5 or your new zombie movie? Would you like to see him in one of your upcoming films?
Schwarzenegger: Well, I don’t owe him anything and he doesn’t owe me anything. I think we have been big fans of each other but also we have been very competitive with each other and I think our competition has worked to our advantage for this movie because I think that Mikael Håfström, the director, took advantage of that and so we tried to out-act each other, out-fight each other, out-chase each other which was really terrific.
Stallone now butts in and crashes the interview. It was great to have them both stand side-by-side in front of TheArnoldFans.
TheArnoldFans: Arnold, I was just talking to Sly about the possibility of you starring in Commando Vs Rambo. What do you think?
Schwarzenegger: I think there should be a Rambo, Rocky, The Terminator, Conan, The Commando, The Predator and Twins (Laughing). Everyone should come out and everyone should be in one movie.
Sylvester Stallone: (listening in our on conversation adds his 2 cents) Right, with Rocky, Rambo (all these guys). It would have like nine heads. They should call it 'Ego'!
Before parting, I had to ask about Terminator 5. TAFs first got the exclusive from Arnold when he was in Australia that he’d be back as the Terminator. But since then we’ve heard Annapurna Pics announce there might be a Terminator “reboot” so some speculated this might not be T5 but instead an Arnold-free T1 reboot. We wanted to set the record straight.
TheArnoldFans: So is Terminator still happening?
Schwarzenegger: Yeah, yeah, this is coming together.
TheArnoldFans: With you? As the Terminator?
Schwarzenegger: Yeah.
There you have it, Arnold fans; we’re back in business! Although The Oak has to still be tight-lipped about more details at this time, T5 is still moving forward with the only man meant to play the role of the iconic hero. Or will he be an anti-hero? Come back to TAFs for your latest Terminator exclusive news! Also be sure to follow our facebook and twitter sites for daily updates!
At the Escape Plan fan-screening, Schwarzenegger and Stallone spoke to the wildly enthusiastic crowd.
Schwarzenegger: Right here at Comic Con, we’re proud of your enthusiasm and your passion for the movie industry about our movies… and we are only at the place where we are at our stardom because of fans like you. So we just want to say thank you to all of you for our great support.
Stallone also spoke to the crowd see these two legends for yourself in this video from ScreenSlam! As a bonus, play "Where's Randy?" while watching the crowd.
Click HERE to read our interview with Stallone and to see his answer on the possible pairing of Rambo vs Commando!

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