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Terminator Gallery, Interviews & Other News!

While TAFs staff is packing up for Ohio's Arnold Sports Festival, happening in a couple of days, we thought we'd put out a last-minute news story to get you caught up on some recent Schwarzenegger news. The last week has been slow for Arnold news but here's what we have to report. First up, Arnold tweeted his fans to tell us about a great video done by Grantland. Best of all it features some very funny Schwarzenegger animation. Have a look!
@Schwarzenegger: Really enjoyed this video recapping my time with Wilt Chamberlain and Andre the Giant from :

While you're looking at YouTube videos, check out our Fan-tastic Show host, Lance the East Coast Arnold, playing The Last Stand's sheriff Ray Owens in "Canadian Showdown". Has Lance finally pumped up his film budget with big explosions? Watch the video below to find out.

 Next, host of Syfy's "Destination Truth" and best-selling author Josh Gates answers our friend Amanda's great question. Amanda Rosenblatt of BlogTalkRadio asks: "Randy of says since Gates is such a badass, he wants to know what his favorite Arnold Schwarzenegger film is?"

Josh Gates: "That’s such a tough question. Probably Terminator. I love Predator, too. But probably Terminator."

If you're a Josh Gates fan, you can click HERE and listen to the rest of the podcast.

Thanks, Amanda for getting that question in for us but it's only going to get better. TheArnoldFans will be celebrating next month as MARCH INTERVIEW MONTH! We have lots of interviews with Schwarzenegger's movie co-stars and with big-name bodybuilders so expect one or two interviews per week starting in early March.

Finally, our friend Samuel Garcia just got back from the ExpoSYFY gallery with a big spotlight on Terminator props acquired by . We hope you all enjoy these showroom photos. Great job, Samuel!


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    Rick Manis
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    Response: eQTgTMwZ
    TheArnoldFans - News - Terminator Gallery, Interviews & Other News!
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    Good Web page, Preserve the great job. Regards!

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