New TEN Photo & Arnold Expendables 2 Products!
Let's fire away some of the latest Arnold news! First, a new TEN photo leaked online which is very grainy but it is still a fantastic image showing the full cast! Schwarzenegger, shown in the center sitting on a pile of cash, is surrounded by his tough DEA team. Doesn't this remind you of the ensemble of the 1987 Predator hit film? Are you as excited for TEN as we are? Tell us what you think of this David Ayer movie to be released in January of 2014.

New here's some Expendables 2 product news. Germany is putting out this very cool Region 2 Blu-ray with Arnold on the cover! Fans can chose which Expendable character they want on the cover. Each hero will have an exclusive limited edition cover so get ya ass to Germany or the Black eMarket to get your Trench edition!

New here's some Expendables 2 product news. Germany is putting out this very cool Region 2 Blu-ray with Arnold on the cover! Fans can chose which Expendable character they want on the cover. Each hero will have an exclusive limited edition cover so get ya ass to Germany or the Black eMarket to get your Trench edition!

Finally, have a look at Arnold's own iPad cover! I wish these were for sale but chances are his Expendables 2 Trench iPad cover was given to him as a gift by the studio as a film wrap departing gift. And wow, would you look at his manly watch. According to the watch, IT IS TIME for you all to get to da gym! GO, NOW!

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