Exclusive Interview with Vlad Yudin, Director of "Generation Iron"!
Good news for Arnold's Army! In case you good people hadn't heard, "Generation Iron", which is being called the unofficial sequel to "Pumping Iron", is NOW showing in theaters! Here at The Arnold Fans, we spoke to the director Vlad Yudin about his passion for this movie, Jerome Gary's involvement, and obviously, we chat a lot about Arnold.
TAFs: If some critics were as bold to say that "Generation Iron" is really more like "Pumping Iron 2", would you agree this film would be considered part of that series or would you want this film to stand out (on it's own) moreso than "Pumping Iron"?
Vlad: Well "Generation Iron" is one of those films, it's not necessarily "Pumping Iron", of course, but some people call it "Pumping Iron" for the new generation. I look at it personally as a long awaited sequel. "Pumping Iron" is a classic film that basically lived with us for generations and the truth is, it's not just a great body building film, but a great documentary. A fantastic film.
TAFs: Since we're The Arnold Fans, we gotta ask some Arnold Schwarzenegger related questions. He's in the film and I was just wondering how you were able to get in touch with him and what your approach was to getting him involved with "Generation Iron"?
Vlad: You know, if you look at the film "Generation Iron" of course, a lot of people were involved making the film. We have a few companies helping and producer Jerome Gary who produced "Pumping Iron", we have American Media incorporated in the project with us, and there's a few more (helping). You know, Arnold is pretty much regarded by most bodybuilders, pretty much all bodybuilders, the modern body builders, as the top guy. As a God, basically, so for us, it was definitely important to have him in the film. It was important for the film and the body building culture to have an icon of this sport, and someone who still gives back to this sport a lot and is still very involved in it in the film. He's an ambassador for it.
When we met up with Jerome Gary as a producing partner, we felt it was very important Arnold be in the film, so we reached out to him and had a conversation with him and we all agreed that it would be great to have him involved. Just like "Pumping Iron", it's a film about body building. We talked about body builders, to show their life style and show the culture. So for him, and Lou Ferrigno, to come back and make appearances, or a cameo, in the film is just amazing.
TAFs: Were you at Arnold's Venice Beach appearance where he released his supplements line recently to see him interact with fans? (link for supplements http://musclepharm.com/article/arnold-schwarzenegger-series)
Vlad: No, I didn't get a chance to be there, but Muscle Beach is of course the place where Arnold would train and is a place that is very important to him. We actually filmed part of "Generation Iron" at Muscle Beach. It's an iconic place with all the competitions they hold there, and Venice Beach is a mecca to body building. If anything, that's where Arnold really started his legacy with Joe Weider and Frank (Zane) and the other guys who really laid the blueprint for the sport. It was while we were filming there that we saw a lot of pictures of Arnold at the original Gold's Gym. To see all the history was amazing to be a part of that.
TAFs: With Arnold being in the film, when did you get a chance to be one-on-one with him, or were there multiple occasions?
Vlad: Actually, we shot a segment, you know, Arnold has a big competition and expo called The Arnold Classic, which takes place in March in Columbus Ohio. So yeah basically, that's his show and it's one of the best shows in the world when it comes to body building. So, we were there in March and we got a chance to sit down for an interview and you know, it was really important for me to get his input on body building, what he thinks about it, and find out sort of how different from back then to what it is now. He was very honest about the sport now, you know, what he thinks about it now and also kind of what he thinks about modern day body builders and how he compared them to when he was training. It was very cool.
TAFs: With that point of view in mind, with how big Arnold is but also how the sport and media have changed, do you think there is ever going to be a body builder more iconic, or as iconic, as Arnold?
Vlad: Oh man (chuckles) that'd be very difficult! You can never say "never", but honestly, that's a very big challenge because of all the accomplishments that he has. It can't just be one thing. That'd mean becoming a super star actor, that'd mean becoming Governor. I mean, if anyone can even come close to that, that'd be an big accomplishment in itself. I don't think anybody would be able to top that ever, but I think there's a lot of opportunities to branch out of the sport and create other business and become entertainers outside of body building. I think that's all there and I think this film will showcase that in a big way.
TAFs: Definitely! I mean, that'd be the best way to see if there is a window into anyone worthy of the throne, so to speak.
Vlad: Absolutely. Something that came up, something that I everybody saw was the charisma and personality Arnold had (in "Pumping Iron") and I think that was kind of like the vehicle for him to showcase that. After that, of course, his career just took off and he became a big star, but I think the same time of approach may work for these new guys. They each have a different approach, different personalities, and their approach to life, it will be great for audiences to see that.
TAFs: Were there any other titles you and your team pondered before choosing "Generation Iron", or was it always going to be that title?
Vlad: "Pumping Iron" was the foundation. It really kind of introduced the world to this sport, introduced that culture, and decades later, it's brought about this whole generation of iron, you know? It was the only thing we had that went with the movie. The foundation was definitely created by "Pumping Iron", Arnold and the rest of the kind of look into what body builders were doing. They were pushing the sport and had no back up plan, they were just so passionate about it, you know what I mean? It's because of them that "Generation Iron" was possible to accomplish.
TAFs: With the passion that had to go into this project, do you consider yourself a body builder or a fitness enthusiast?
Vlad: I'm definitely more passionate about it now. The thing with body building is that it's always about pushing yourself through this, and always pushing yourself towards a result, and I think anything can relate to that. You can apply that to your own career, your own movement, whatever you've got going on. You can apply those same principles. In a lot of ways, I feel like a lot of people will be able to relate to the body builders, even if you're not a body builder. This is probably the only sport I've ever witnessed where to see that type of dedication is absolutely astonishing, you know? So, when I look at everything and I know the audience will look at everything, a lot of people will be able to relate to that.
A lot of people come up to me and tell me that they've never seen body builders before, have never really known anything about the sport, but when they see that, they just did not understand what they go through. You also have to dedicate yourself outside the gym as well. You put in all this effort, but then there's all this stuff that goes on outside the gym and, you know, that whole life style is really just focused on doing your thing. The dieting. It's crazy!
TAFs: I know you don't wanna give away the cow for free, so to speak, but can you name one of your favorite moments from "Generation Iron", and counter it with a favorite moment from "Pumping Iron"?
Vlad: (chuckles) One of my favorite moments from "Pumping Iron" was when the competition was taking place (in South Africa), and Arnold is sitting with Lou Ferrigno. He was kind of playing around with him and it was a kind of interesting conversation they have at the lunch table with the father. It was cool, the new guy and the champion sitting down together. Arnold is being the champ, of course, with a lot of charisma, personality, and Lou is kind of trying to fit in. It was really cool to see that interaction.
And in "Generation Iron", we kind of see this rivalry go on between Phil Heath and Kai Greene. The top new guys, basically. Phil is the champion and Kai is the underdog. Seeing them face to face in the press conference right before the competition, and it's a cool dynamic. It's kind of where all the body builders meet, chat and have words with each other. It's very, very intense.
TAFs: In the gym, I know a lot of people like to use supplements, like Arnold's new line, but music is also a big physical influence as well. I'm wondering, whether you're in the gym or finishing up a film project, what are your three favorite songs that drive you to gain more energy?
You know what's funny? We just created a soundtrack for "Generation Iron" We have a few cool songs and I've been playing them over and over again. We have a composer, Jeff Rona, for most of the music and a couple of bands. Talented bands. Mind the Gap "Never Gonna Stop", the song is great and it's for the opening credits of the film. Jeff Rona did a few really great tracks which we remixed with fitness music. It's really cool and you should check it out. I think it's on iTunes. That's been my recent motivation for work outs.
TAFs: Very nice! And my final question is, with the other projects you're working on right now, what is your favorite project at the moment?
Vlad: Right now, we're working on "Head Smash". It's a graphic novel that came out this year, then we'll make it into a film. It'll probably go into production next year, so it's kind of like bringing a graphic novel into a feature length film. I'm very excited about it. We actually just released it at San Diego Comic Con 2013 and that's being worked on right now.
TAFs: Thanks, Vlad. I look forward to seeing "Generation Iron", and I know TAFs do, too!
Vlad: Thanks so much, I appreciate the support!
We are certainly really excited to check out "Generation Iron" not only for the Arnold cameo, but also to see these up-and-coming body builders in action. It will be wonderful to see the continuation of what Arnold and many other icons started years ago from "Pumping Iron"! Check out the film and release dates via the main site, the Twitter page or "like" their Facebook page.

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