TAFs Interviews TLS's Jaimie Alexander and Daniel Henney!
Earlier we brought you red carpet interviews with The Last Stand's director Kim Jee-Woon and the sheriff played by Arnold "The Oak" Schwarzenegger. Now walking down the carpet, in Mr. Freeze approving temperatures, are two other heroes: Jaimie Alexander (Sarah Torrance) and Daniel Henney (FBI Agent Phil Hayes).
TheArnoldFans: I saw a picture of you doing push-ups on the set of The Last Stand. Was that a push-up challenge with someone?
Jaimie Alexander: Oh yeah, I don't know why people like to challenge me fitness wise. I'm like, 'you're gonna lose.' Yeah, Ketch, an assistant and one of Arnold's bodyguards started it. It's called the perfect push-up because what it does is it rotates as you do a push-up so it uses all your rotative muscles so I just started to do it and by the end of the film...well, I think I started out and I could do five real good ones and then I got up to twenty-five.
TheArnoldFans: Did you buy Arnold's book: Total Recall?
Jaimie Alexander: Actually, funny enough, my mother beat me to the punch. She gave it to me as a gift and I want to sit down and read it. I was in London and I didn't have it but now I have it. So, yeah, that's next up on my list?
TheArnoldFans: Will there be a Sif (Jaimie Alexander) figure for Thor 2?
Jaimie Alexander: Oh yes, their will be all kinds of great stuff.
While Jaimie stood in front of us, she also talked about her first introduction to Arnold.
Jaimie Alexander: I was really nervous when I first met Arnold. He came up to me, gave me a hug and he said, 'Are you ready to have fun?' It just put everything at ease and it let the whole cast and crew know that he's such a nice man as an actor as well as a human being. I got really lucky with the cast. Besides great actors, they're also great people. We had a lot of fun and every day we'd eat lunch together. It was great.
TheArnoldFans: What are your top 3 Arnold movies?
TheArnoldFans: Twins, Kindergarten Cop and Last Action Hero. They're all the ones I really enjoyed as a kid.
Next I spoke with Daniel Henney (star of Hawaii Five-O and now The Last Stand), who is thrilled to star in his first Schwarzenegger film.
TheArnoldFans: Did you get any gym or cigar time with Arnold?
Daniel Henney: I went down to the gym every day hoping i'd see him in there. But the first time I saw him, he was smoking a cigar with his sunglasses on.
Arnold is coming back as Conan. What do you think?
Daniel Henney: Oh my god, I think Conan is my favorite film of his!
TheArnoldFans: Sounds like you're a big Arnold fan?
Daniel Henney: I read his book and I'm a fan of his life. He's done an amazing job, you know, he comes from a small town and then lives the American dream...so I'm excited.
TheArnoldFans: What's your best Arnold story from working with him on this movie?
Daniel Henney: Probably me forgetting that I had to act. It felt like I was living my childhood dream. There was one scene that I did with him where he was coming down the road and I was standing there and I had to snap back into acting because he's that profound of a figure in my life.
Don't leave your spot on the red carpet yet, Arnold fans. More film stars are heading our way. Stick around!

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