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Entries in The Gillinator (62)


Arnold Radio News #18: The Technology for Pants

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Arnocorps Launches Wheel of Pain Push-ups App 2.0!

In their continued effort to facilitate the development of ballsy personas and upper body strength, ARNOCORPS, the pioneers of Action-Adventure Hardcore Rock and Roll, proudly release version 2.0 of their internationally acclaimed WHEEL OF PAIN PUSH-UPS app for iOS, an unprecedented mix of music, strength training and mobile technology.

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Arnold Announces First Genisys Trailer Coming Thursday! **UPDATED! It's here!

It looks like Christmas is coming early! Arnold dropped the news on Twitter and Instagram that fans can expect to see the first real footage of Terminator: Genisys this Thursday in the form of the first official trailer for next summer's blockbuster! The accompanying image is a cool animated teaser poster which shows an endo skull slowly disintegrating into a pile of metallic dust while the familiar Brad Fiedel percussive notes play.

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New Image of Arnold in Terminator: Genisys!

The title says it all! We have uncovered this sweet new image of Arnold as T-800 with some dramatic lighting and light facial damage. The source? Apparently, some German bloggers were taking a tour of Paramount Studios, and saw this which is a poster located "in a dark corner of the studio." Not much else to say about it, except I want it! What do you guys think, is this the best photo of Arnold in Genisys yet?

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Arnold Radio News #14: Arnocorps, GOOOO!! (Holzfeuer interview)

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Thrilling Genisys Trailer Description is Terminator’s Damage Control!

At long last, we have some juicy Terminator: Genisys news to report! With so little real info out there as far as official studio stuff, fans online don't really know whether to be excited or dreading the newest entry in the franchise. Thankfully, there will be an official teaser trailer coming out soon, but if you absolutely can't wait for it, we have a fairly detailed description of it to share.

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THE TERMINATOR Turns 30 Today!

"Nice night for a walk." That simple line was Arnold's first dialogue in what would be a pivotal role as the cyborg killing machine, "The Terminator," which was released in theaters October 26, 1984, 30 years ago. Conan was two years prior and was also a key film for Arnold, but Terminator is what really launched him into superstardom.

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Gale Anne Hurd on Terminator's O.J. & Anniversary Reunion!

TheArnoldFans caught up with Terminator producer, Gale Anne Hurd, while she was out promoting her new season of "The Walking Dead." The last time we spoke with Gale, she admitted to us that Terminators would win in the fight against zombies, even though her zombies are powerful enough to be in the number one television series.

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Arnold Unveils His Statue in Columbus (again)!

There was a feeling of deja vu as I was standing outside on a cool cloudy day in Columbus with a gathering of local journalists, politicians, and fans near a giant black shrouded statue. It was just in 2012 that I was watching almost the same event, only at a different location. But seeing Arnold give another rousing speech is always a good thing!

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"The Terminator" 30th Anniversary Screening with Arnold & Cameron in LA!

This is BIG news, fans! How would you like seeing the original 1984 "Terminator" movie on the big screen? OK, how about seeing it WITH Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron, and Gale Ann Hurd? Even better? Well, to top it off, how about a Q&A panel with those three after the film? Would you like to go to that? If you're watching your heads up Termo-vision display, it should give you these choices:

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