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Entries in The Gillinator (62)


Official Terminator 6 Behind the Scenes Footage!

Thanks to a YouTube post from the Hungarian National Film Fund, we have our first real good look at the new Terminator film shoot! In it, we see the main cast including Arnold, Linda Hamilton, Natalia Reyes, and Mackenzie Davis, Director Tim Miller, and legendary Producer Andrew Vajna

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Arnold Launches "Ladder," a New Fitness & Supplement Company!

A couple months ago, Arnold exclusively gave us a hint that he was working on a new fitness and wellness platform. Now we know what that was: Arnold has collaborated with basketball star LeBron James, supermodel Cindy Crawford, and olympic skier Linsdey Vonn in creating a company called Ladder.

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Exclusive Interview with Arnold at the Classic!

We are at the Arnold Classic this weekend in full force in Columbus, Ohio this weekend, and boy did we have a great start! We got to sit down with the man himself along with his longtime partner Jim Lorimer, and he was pumped to talk about the 30th anniversary of the Classic

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Cameron Bringing Back Linda Hamilton & Schwarzenegger for T6!

As suspected, there was FANTASTIC news that came from James Cameron and Tim Miller during their pre-T2 screening chat in LA. As we knew before, Tim Miller ("Deadpool") is planning to direct the new Terminator film, which will largely ignore the non-James Cameron directed sequels and be more of a direct sequel to T2.

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James Cameron Talks T2 in 3D and T6 Involvement!

King of the World, Friend to Arnold, and Director of Terminator, James Cameron has been tied up in endless Avatar pre-production as of late, since he is preparing to film 4(!) sequels back-to-back. Well, he took a short break from all that to have a Facebook live interview, helping to promote the premiere of the new 3D version of Terminator 2: Judgment Day

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We Chat with Celebrity Apprentice Vince Neil!

As we're sure you're aware of by now, The New Celebrity Apprentice airs TONIGHT at 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central time on NBC! To celebrate, we decided to talk with another contestant, the great rocker Vince Neil of Mötley Crüe fame! Enjoy the interview, and you can hear it on the next Arnold Radio News episode!

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Kuato's a Mutant with a lot on His Mind! We Talk with Marshall Bell!

It was so great talking with Bennett that we decided to follow up with another great Arnold co-star who has been both a friend and foe for Arnold: the unforgettable Marshall Bell, who played Webster in Twins and George/Kuato in Total Recall. Marshall has been one of my favorite "that guy" actors for a while-- whenever he shows up in a movie, you know he's going to steal the scene.

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We Let Off Some Steam with Vernon Wells!

We love seeking out the most memorable Arnold co-stars and chatting with them about their experience in their iconic roles with Arnold, as well as finding out what projects they’re currently up to. Such an opportunity just happened with Vernon Wells-- that’s right, Matrix’s arch-rival Bennett from Commando!

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Exclusive: Arnold to Discuss "The Predator” with Director Shane Black!

The script is approved, the director has been chosen, official teaser posters have been revealed, and the studio has greenlit the project for a March 2nd, 2018 release date. The only thing which which was not made official, until now, was whether Arnold Schwarzenegger was in talks to return in the new Predator film, written and directed by Shane Black (Iron Man 3).

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We Infiltrate the Terminator Genisys Premiere After-Party!

If you didn't guess, we had a blast in LA last month. As if just being on the red carpet for the biggest Arnold film to come out in over a decade wasn't cool enough, we got to Periscope from Arnold's account, then walk with Arnold into the Kodak Theater, watch the film itself with the most enthusiastic crowd possible, and then waltz on over to the swanky after party!

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