TAFs is Now at Comic Con! Last Stand Exclusive!
TheArnoldFans is working the con! In addition to getting to see Arnold during his Expendables 2 panel, we're interviewing actors, toy manufacturers, and best of all, mingling with the fellow Schwarzenegger fans! Stick around for some big news!
For now, here's a nice little exclusive for you! Arnold's good friend and star of Last Stand, Dieter Rauter, tells TAFs what his character name is! Dieter, eating a box of Kellog's Pops, tells me his character’s name in Last Stand is “Nameless”. It literally says “Nameless” as his name on the call sheet. A great nickname. Check out Dieter on the poster below on the far right!
TAFs has been picking up comic con exclusive movie promos left and right for Schwarzenegger's upcoming films and autobiography! We can't wait to get home and show you this Austrian-sized bag of swag!