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Win a Mini Arnold Statue from His Official Museum!

Arnold's birthday is coming up in less than 2 weeks and as usual TheArnoldFans will celebrate the big day with the fans around the world. Coincidentally. TheArnoldFans have just reached 25,000 followers on our Instagram @thearnoldfans, and we wanted to do a special giveaway to thank you for your support and help us reach the next milestone at 100,000.

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Get the Book: James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction!

When you think of sci-fi films meshed with heavy action, you’d be lying to yourself if you said Arnold Schwarzenegger is not THE original prototype of the genre. The Terminator, Predator, and Total Recall are just some examples that come to mind..

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Commando Meets Ninja: Our Interview with Director Ben Combes!

The 80s are BACK! Whether it be music, fashion, TV shows or even movies, the greatest decade is making a big comeback! Nothing can beat the ACTION movies that featured our boss Arnold Schwarzenegger and other celebrities like Kurt Russell, Jean Claude Van Damme, Chuck Norris and Sylvester Stallone.

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Exclusive Photos + Arnold Helps Raise 2.1 Million During Annual Western Party!

Arnold fan David Almassy from Budapest, Hungary was happy to share with us his personal photos while meeting Schwarzenegger at his own home! David was fortunate enough to get an invitation to the annual Westime Western Charity Night which helped raise 2.1 million for Arnold’s After-School All-stars this weekend!

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New Terminator Filming Updates: Arnold Back in the Gym!

The next Terminator film is underway and we’ve already heard reports that Linda Hamilton herself has been around a film set. Terminator, currently filmed on the Isleta del Mor in in Almeria, had film crews transform the beach into a post-apocalyptic judgment day..

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Bringing Down the Hammer with Sven-Ole Thorsen

As the movie streaming services have grown bigger and bigger these days, many small cinemas have been forced to close down due to cost. Yet Hadsten Bio, with just 1 screen and about 100 seats, is still going strong.

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After a Major Operation & Age 71 Looming, Can Arnold, the Action Hero, Be Back?

How scary was that, when we learned in late March that Arnold Schwarzenegger had a major operation? When it was first announced, fans around the globe feared the worst during the first few hours. Luckily we didn’t have to wait too long for the news that he woke up shortly after to his first words of “I’m back.”

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Join the Resistance today! Go, join the Kickstarter movement NOW!

We’re excited to see an all new Terminator game is in the works and we’re loving the graphics! River Horse Games and Lynnvander Studios have teamed up to create an exciting new board game, Terminator Genisys: Rise of the Resistance, based on Skydance’s feature film Terminator Genisys.

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An Outpouring of Love for Arnold After His Open Heart Surgery!

Earlier this morning, we all learned Arnold Schwarzenegger had gone emergency open heart surgery! It was very alarming at first hear the news with practically little to no details. We were all biting our fingernails in the suspense to hear of Arnold’s condition but thankfully someone in Arnold’s camp called us..

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Contest: Win the New Arnold special issue of Muscle Insider!

Contest time! We have 9 Issues of the all new Arnold Schwarzenegger special issue of Muscle Insider to award some lucky fans! There’s a ton of Arnold articles inside, including a big interview Muscle Insider did with our very own Randy Jennings of TheArnoldFans

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