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Exclusive: Arnold’s Health & Wellness Platform & Filming T6 for 3 More Weeks!

While Arnold Schwarzenegger took a short break from filming 2019’s Terminator to attend and promote the Arnold Sports Festival in Madrid, he told that he’ll be back with an all new line of health supplements. We asked Arnold if he’ll be releasing any new fitness supplements and he confirms something big is on the horizon!

Arnold tells us that people will soon learn about a company they are helping to create, which will be a health and wellness platform for average folks and also for competitive athletes. He didn’t share many details, but we can’t wait. "We are working together currently with some very interesting people” Schwarzenegger adds.

We’re certainly pumped to hear more about this new Schwarzenegger brand. We were also at the Q and A session with the bodybuilding legend where Schwarzenegger told us he took this short break from filming Terminator 6 and he was thankful that the production of this event film found space for him to return. Schwarzenegger also tells us he still has three more weeks of filming for T6. Arnold started filming in Budapest about August 1st so if he films for another three weeks, that will put his total film time to roughly 10 weeks - given he’s had a few days off.

Michal Krizanek of Slovakia took the top prize in the bodybuilding category at the 2018 Arnold Classic Europe on Satuday.  The 28-year-old was crowned alongside four other winners in Barcelona, including classic bodybuilding winner Sergey Serechshev and men's physique winner Dmytro Horobets:

Special thanks to our Arnold Classic Europe reporters Iacob Dorin and Javi Calderon

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