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Exclusive Interviews with FUBAR Cast from the Red Capet!

Congratulations to Arnold Schwarzenegger and the team behind FUBAR for achieving #1 on Netflix all over the world. Now that we’ve all had a chance to start the series (or finish all eight episodes), I’m sure you have some favorite new co-stars. TheArnoldFans had a chance to interview Arnold’s special C.I.A. task force and a couple other performers with big roles in the hit series.

Milan Carter, who plays Barry, the ’80’s-T-shirt-wearing, crunchies-loving teammate tells TheArnoldFans about his first introduction to Schwarzenegger as a child.

"Listen, I’ve been an Arnold Fan when I wasn’t supposed to be,” confesses Milan. "The first film I saw Arnold in, when I was a kid, was in Total Recall and you know the scene I’m talking about, as a kid. My mom was like, ‘cover your eyes, cover your eyes!’ There was three of them. There were three!"

Speaking of three, we asked Milan what his top three favorite Arnold movies are.

"Top Three," Milan ponders. "Jingle All The Way. My babysitter was a major Arnold Fan so we would go on half-off days, in the middle of the day, to go watch Arnold films. I Also love Junior. Arnold pregnant is hilarious concept and you can’t go without The Terminator.”

Finally we asked Milan what he learned from Arnold on the set.

"Arnold told me to dream bigger, man,” Milan begins. “Nothing is impossible. I’m from the hood and he’s from Austria from a little town. He’s like, it’s all about vision. If you can believe it and you can see it, you can achieve it. So it’s like, go hard-core, make a plan, make a goal and then nothing is impossible."

Fortune Feimster, who plays Roo, the nut-punching agent with the disgusting toe, tells TheArnoldFans which episode is her favorite.

"I think it’s near the end, I think it’s episode seven," Feimster begins, “where my character has a big emotional arc, explaining why she is the way she is. That was fun to play because I got to be serious."

Roo also tells us what it was like working with Arnold.

"I just immediately felt at ease with him,” Feimster admits. "Once we started filming, we quickly hit it off and became friends. And then I found a lot of joy in trying to make him laugh. And so a lot of our rapport was making each other laugh throughout the shoot."

Finally she shares her top three Arnold films.

"My top three Arnold movies,” Feimster considers, "Kindergarten Cop would be my number one, because obviously I lead to the comedy. Twins and then probably The Terminator. So comedy and then a little dab of action. But he has a lot of hits, that’s the problem (in choosing). The guy has done a good job."

Travis Van Winkle, who plays Aldon, the “honey-pot” linguists told me about his character.

"My character’s name is Aldon,” Travis begins. "He’s a wise-ass and he’s really good at a linguist but he gets distracted by beauty but he’s got a soft underbelly but he’s super kind."

After Van Winkle admired Arnold would win in a fight with Stallone, he told me about his top Arnold films.

"I loved Kindergarten Cop, Last Action Hero is up there and what’s the one with the Devil, yes, End of Days, absolutely,” concludes Van Winkle.

Fabiana Udenio, who plays Tally Brunner, Luke Brunner’s ex-wife in FUBAR, shares her top three Arnold films.

"Kindergarten Cop, The Terminator and Twins.”
Says Udenio.

Udenio told me she comes from a background in dance but shared a tip for Arnold that he should do more stretching and yoga before he pumps. I thought it was interesting that she and so many other FUBAR co-starts has Kindergarten Cop in their top three.

Gabriel Luna, who plays the lead villain, Boro, reunites with TheArnoldFans. In the past, we’ve handed out toys to inner-city kids at Christmas time but It takes Luna a second to recognize me out of my Turbo-Man outfit.  

"TurboMan, good seeing you, baby," Luna greets me with a bro-hug."Good to see you out of uniform!"

Luna has made his way into Arnold’s circle; After he played the Rev-9 Terminator in Dark Fate, Luna gives out the toys with Arnold, he’s been to the Arnold Classic, attended After-School All Star charity events and now he’s FUBAR.

"Every moment I have with him (Arnold) is always special”, Luna begins, "and I always appreciate the invites to participate in certain things with him. I think he likes having his clutch of folks around, who are his buddies, and I’m honored to be one of those."

Luna tells us of his character now working with Arnold in FUBAR.

"I play Buro”, says Luna, "a sophisticated, worldly, extremely-educated arms-dealer, who has looked up to Arnold’s character his whole life. Arnold, under an alienate name, infiltrated my father’s compound when I was young, so I got to know him there. He taught Buro how to drive and he taught me many things how to be a man so I look up to him. But he revealed a certain piece of information that created a rift between us and then we are nemeses."

Luna tells us of his top Arnold movies but perhaps he only says the latter in my honor.

"Terminator 2, Kindergarten Cop and the Running Man.” Luna begins. "Then, beyond that Last Action Hero, Total Recall and Jingle All the Way."

Arnold Schwarzenegger, who plays the lead, Luke Brunnner, gave TheArnoldFans the exclusive that he’s teaming up with Danny Devito in a new “over-the-top” “James Bond” style type of comedy. Read the full statement HERE!

We hope you are enjoying FUBAR as much as we are at TheArnoldFans. It’s so good to see Arnold back in his Numero Uno position. With another number one opening project, he’s BACK!

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