Arnold is Back in World of Tanks Holiday Ops 2023
Arnold Schwarzenegger has always had a love for tanks. As a matter of fact, he owns a 1951 M-47 Patton tank that he brought to the United States from when he served in the Austrian Army. Sometimes Arnold uses his tank to crush vehicles to help raise money for After School All Stars.
What better combination of World of Tanks teaming up with Arnold Schwarzenegger himself.
About World of Tanks
World of Tanks is published by Wargaming. It is a vehicular combat, massive multiplayer game that is free-to-play but participants have to pay for additional services or upgrades in the game. World of Tanks has five different vehicles to choose from which are light tanks, medium tanks, heavy tanks, tank destroyers and self-propelled artillery. The holiday ops is available on the PC only.
Last year, Arnold fans from all over the world got a surprise. For Holiday Ops 2022, Arnold would be featured in the game.
The commercial began with Arnold receiving a letter 30 years late from an Arnold Fan named Johnny.
“My name is Johnny, I’m nine years old. When I grow up, I want to be just like you. Christmas is coming and I don’t want any presents. All I want is for you to come to our village for the holidays. Love, Little Johnny.”
Later, Arnold gets on his chopper, and travels to the village to surprise Little Johnny.
For Holiday Ops 2023, Arnold is back! This time he has teamed up with Mila Jovovich bringing back the holiday spirit to the village to save Christmas with kindness, friendship, and magic.
Check out the trailer below.
Both Arnold and Mila will host the event and provide you with special quests and combat missions that make Holiday Ops even more exciting! Each celebrity has 10 festive assignments right from the start. Rewards will be that they will tell you holiday stories and even help you decorate your village. Both Arnold and Mila have brought gifts: 2D decals and bonuses to your vehicles.
So, what are you waiting for? Get to the TANK!
Holiday Ops 2023
December 1 at 03:20 PT | 05:20 CT | 06:20 ET through January 9 at 03:20 PT | 05:20 CT | 06:20 ET