Happy Mother’s Day & Happy May 12th (“Terminator Day”)!
"What day is it? The Date,” Kyle Reese asks a cop. “12th, May, Thursday,” responds the police officer from 1984’s The Terminator. It might not be Thursday but it is May 12th making it “Terminator Day” and a reason for us all to celebrate on social media. It was 35 years ago when the T-800, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Kyle Reese, played by Michael Biehn, first arrived naked from the future and the date of May 12th kicked off the timeline to our favorite time-traveling franchise.
Let’s ALL get on social media on May 12th and get #TerminatorDay and #TerminatorDarkFate trending! Tag us and share great Terminator photos, show the world your Terminator collections, tell us where you were when you first saw The Terminator (on VHS, the theater or elsewhere), show us your Terminator tattoos and also tell Paramount Pictures and Schwarzenegger how excited you are for the upcoming film to be released on November 1st of this year!

As we mentioned before on our social media pages, there will not be a Terminator: Dark Fate trailer online on the 12th but we can tell you there WILL be other surprises in store from some very important contributors! That’s all we can say for now. So in between buying your mom flowers and treating her to a special meal, be sure you’re also checking online for special announcements and treats to help us all celebrate this special day!

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