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See an Arnold Artist's Exhibit in LA!

Are you West-coasters feeling left out with Columbus' "Art at the Arnold" every year? Well, an Arnold Fan wrote us to tell about his own Arnold Art which will be featured in a new exhibit in LA starting tomorrow, April 20!

Here's Jon Marshalik: 

I'm a longtime follower of the club and a lifelong Arnie fan. I'm also an artist who for the past several years has been making mixed media paintings (and the very occasional sculpture) that use Arnold's films as starting points to talk about psychological experiences, culture, and perception. I had a revelation while in graduate school for art that Arnold's movies where the perfect metaphor for everything I was interested in in terms of content.

You can check them out at my website:

I did an interview talking a bit about the influence of Arnold's films here.

I'm writing today to let you know that several of the paintings I've made will be included in a group show at a Los Angeles gallery this month - titled "Don't Dream It's Over" exploring themes of nostalgia, memories, romanticization, and idealization. It'll be opening April 20th at Eastside International - at 602 Moulton Ave, Los Angeles CA, 90031 from 7-10pm.

I'd really appreciate it if you could share this news with the rest of Arnold's Army and help get as many people to come to the show or see the work online as possible!


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