Exclusive: It’s Turbo Time with Adam F. Goldberg on December 11th for ABC’s “Schooled”!
"Put that cookie down" and pick up your TV remote to watch “Schooled" Wednesday the 11th! In an homage to 1990s holiday movie Jingle All The Way, Adam F. Goldberg, executive producer of the ABC-TV hit comedy Schooled features that eternal search for the ultimate holiday gift in this week’s episode, airing on Wednesday, December 11 at 8:30 p.m. In this week’s episode of Schooled, CB (Brett Dier) seeks to obtain a Beanie Baby to win the affection of Lainey Lewis (AJ Michalka). During his search he runs into Coach Mellor (Bryan Callen) who scores the Turbo Man toy from the Jingle All the Way movie.

TheArnoldFans spoke with Adam F. Goldberg, creator of The Goldbergs and Schooled about his love for the 1996 holiday film and its iconic action hero, TurboMan!
TheArnoldFans: My new tradition is for me to dress as TurboMan and to hand out free toys with Schwarzenegger every Christmas to inner city families who can’t always afford to buy present. So as you can tell, I too am a very big Jingle All the Way / TurboMan fan. Why do you suppose Jingle All the Way has become such a cult classic these days?
Goldberg: I’ve grown such a love for Turbo Man and have been quietly buying props and figures off of eBay. Our amazing prop master Jem Elsner got the rest. My favorite is my screen used Booster and Dementor. Oh man I wish they made these toys for real! If memory serves, I signed up on kickstarter to buy a Turbo Man replica that someone was making a few years ago… but they ran into legal problems. We need the line to continue! Or at least a cartoon!"

“The fact that Turbo Man was panned makes it now a collector’s item,” added Goldberg. “I’m actually one of the biggest Turbo Man collectors in the country, I even own screen used props that I was able to feature on the episode.”
“For 90s fanatics like me, Jingle All The Way has become regarded as a cult Christmas movie,” said Goldberg. “It has so many elements that makes it feel like a 90’s time machine - Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, Sinbad, Phil Hartman, endless Home Alone slapstick jokes that defy physics and of course a 90s superhero named Turbo Man.”

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