Winner of "Terminate Gerrymandering" Gives us the Exclusive On-Set "Dark Fate" Report!
When Michael Klejmont, the grand prize winner of Arnold’s campaign to Terminate Gerrymandering, won the trip to Budapest, Hungary to meet Schwarzenegger on the set of the new Terminator film, he never would have imagined the surreal glory of what would follow. On October 29, 2018, this winner was treated to the ultimate Terminator & Arnold fan experience by not just meeting Arnold, but he also got to see all the other major actors in action, meet Tim Miller, dine and pump with the Terminator and more! Michael Klejmont gives only TheArnoldFans this exclusive report and shares his personal photos! Congratulations, Michael!

I’m sleeping comfortably in bed at the Four Seasons Hotel Budapest, Gresham Palace. It is precisely 7:30 am, and my cell phone ringing on the nightstand awakens me. With slight confusion, I check the phone and notice a US number based out of California showing up on my caller ID. Trying not to sound like I just woke up, I answer the phone and hear, “Is this Mike? This is Walter, and I am part of Arnold’s team. There will be a car ready to pick you up in front of the hotel at 11 am to take you to the set.” Not holding back my excitement, I respond, “That’s great, I’ll be outside and ready to go. I can’t wait to get there!”
I reorient myself and am still marveling at what is going to be taking place today. As I rest my head back down on the pillow, I realize this is by far the most exquisite hotel I have ever been in. Opened in 1907, Gresham Palace has a vibrant history, once serving as an office building, apartment building, and barracks for the Red Army during World War II. It is now a luxury hotel, bordering the Danube River, and also houses the T-800 himself and his entire staff during the filming of the new T6 film.
I went downstairs to get a quick breakfast at Kollasz’, which was the main restaurant in the hotel. Truthfully, it was one of the best breakfasts I have ever had with all locally sourced fruits, eggs, meats, and yogurts. I then head back up to my room and take a steaming hot shower to wake my ass up fully. I want to make sure I am in top form for this experience, not wanting to miss any emotion or feeling that will come up during the day.
I get a second call from Walter around 11 am, “There will be a black van outside the hotel in an hour with the name “Phoenix” on the side. They will be expecting you and will drive you right to the set.” Man, just 1-hour left – and I can feel that the suspense keeps on building and building throughout my entire body.
As promised, when I go back downstairs at 10:50 am, a black van with a Phoenix decal is ready for us. My wife and I climb in, excited to embark on the next phase of our trip. It takes approximately 30 minutes to get to the movie set, and I get to enjoy some of the scenery outside the bustling city. It is incredible to see the mixture of the older and beautiful architecture created pre-WWII, the mundane designs of the buildings erected when the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ruled over Hungary, and the revitalized growth of the newer buildings of present-day Hungary. However, it is blatantly clear to me that we have arrived on set when I see a gated entrance with a huge sign that says “Origo Film Studios.” The gate slowly opens, and we are then in a parking lot filled with mobile trailers. We are quickly greeted by a member of the film crew who has us sign non-disclosure forms, basically saying we will not take any pictures and will not discuss anything of what we see today until after the movie is released.
Once this is complete, we then meet Dieter, another member of Arnold’s team, who has worked with him for the previous 20+ years. Dieter himself is from Austria but met Arnold in California. Dieter is a tall, muscular man, with a very slight accent, and is extremely friendly. He is our guide for the day.
We walked up to the first stage studio, and this building is absolutely enormous. When the doors open, I expect to see bright lights, with a massive stage, with huge sets and props, but there is nothing. It is completely dark, with black curtains covering the entire interior perimeter of the building, only leaving a small walkway to follow beside it. Luckily, Dieter has been here for almost two months and knows this place like the back of his hand.
We sneak through an opening in the curtain, and my eyes are finally feasting on everything that I could only begin to imagine. The lights are low, but there is a blue hue to everything. There is a plane fuselage, open at both ends, with an enormous Humvee right in the middle of it. Attached to the front end of the vehicle is a long cord, which is then attached to a gigantic pulley system. Everyone is yelling, “Stand clear, stand clear!” and as I look into the plane, I see Mackenzie Davis standing on the side of the Humvee hanging onto the rearview mirror. There are three men with powerful leaf blowers facing her, blasting her with forced air to give the impression that the plane is breached and high-velocity air is engulfing her. Even with a $250 million-plus budget, I guess even the most rudimentary tools are the most effective!
At this point, Dieter starts introducing us to a few of the people on set. One is Billy Lucas, a stuntman who has been working with Arnold ever since the Running Man. The second is Adam Szedlacsko, who is the owner of Flex Gym in Budapest. Arnold had been working out at Flex ever since he arrived in Budapest to start filming. In addition to the Governor, this gym is also home to numerous movie stars, including Will Smith, Jamie Foxx, The Rock, and Henry Cavill. All the big stars visit Adam at Flex when they are filming, and the gym is filled with incredible photos and memorabilia from these actors. A must-visit place if you are ever in the area!
Someone yells, “Action!” The pulley system kicks into high gear, and the Humvee comes roaring forward. The distance could not be more than 10-15 ft, and just like that, the Humvee comes to a gentle stop – all of this time, prep, and focus for a simple 2-3 second shot in the movie. I was and still am amazed at the level of detail that goes into making every single point as precise as possible.
They run through this take a minimum of 10 times while I am there. Set up, run it, set up, run it, set up, run it. With each take, Tim Miller is giving feedback and making slight changes in the angle of the camera, Mackenzie’s positioning, where the forced air is coming from, with literally no detail being left to chance.
Once the takes are complete, Dieter walks us into the Producer’s tent, which is completely secluded from the rest of the set. Three screens stream directly from the cameras on stage. Each screen has a massive computer hooked up to it – each one focusing on a different detail. It is here that I have the pleasure of meeting Bonnie Curtis (Saving Private Ryan, A.I. Artificial Intelligence) and John Kelly (Deadpool, Into the Wild). Both are extremely warm and friendly, and they get my wife and me our own director’s seats! We are right in the middle of the action, and the data collection and adjustment going on here is mind-boggling. It gives you a whole different perspective once you see the team in action!
After spending some time here, the crew is getting ready to set up the next scene for filming. John takes us on a tour of some of the other sets that are currently being put up and taken down simultaneously. The operation is monumental, and everyone plays a very integral role. I felt in awe of the management and efficacy of the entire team.
Once we leave the first sound stage, we go into a vast outdoor space filled with rocks, dirt, mud, etc. – all with about two dozen soldiers waiting to go into battle. I can only imagine at this point in the film, that there might be a flash-forward scene to the battle against the machines. The weapons, gear, and look of the faces on these actors/actresses are legit. Everything looks highly detailed, and it almost feels like I am standing in some futuristic battlefield.
I asked John what happens to the gear and props once the movie stops filming, and most of it either gets donated, put into storage, or auctioned off. My inner Terminator fan is fighting back the urge to ask to be considered for one of the donated pieces once filming is complete, but I remind myself quickly that I am Arnold’s guest on set, and surely, that would not be acceptable!
We then enter a second sound stage where there is an ICE Detention Center, long hallway, and hospital room. Although they didn’t share much of the plot with me, I can only imagine the chaos, intensity, and badass scenes that are filmed here. I am amazed to learn these sets are built and almost simultaneously deconstructed within a week or two. In taking it all in, I realize these workers are masters of their craft.
Exiting this sound stage, we stop by a small lake outside the studio where John gave us a brief rundown of how the filming has been going over the previous few months. We also discuss his work and impressive resume in the film industry. I learn this particular studio films many US movies, network TV shows, and Netflix shows. I feel impressed knowing that one of the best studios was chosen to film this movie! As we start to move onto the next stop, Henry Cavill (Superman) is riding a horse down the sidewalk and gives a kind nod. All I can think to myself is, man, what else is going to happen today?
At this point, the time is about 1:00 pm, and John brings us to the room where lunch is served. While filming in Budapest, there are no set lunch breaks, and filming is ongoing throughout the day. More or less, you eat when you can, and food and drink are almost always available. We get on line to grab something to eat, and John leaves for a brief time to check on the status of the film. Within 2-3 minutes, one of John’s assistants comes running into the room and says, “Arnold is asking for you.” I had not yet gotten my food and put my tray down, and she says, “Oh, you can finish eating if you want.” In my mind, I think, in no way, shape, or form would I choose eating when I am about to have the opportunity to meet Arnold Schwarzenegger! On top of that, I never thought that Arnold would be asking for me specifically, and my heart rate instantly increases with excitement and anticipation. We drop everything we are doing and follow the assistant back to the original sound stage.
We excitedly walk over to the filming area, and it is now the first time I see Arnold in action! Due to shooting the scene inside the fuselage, I watch on an oversized computer screen right next to the stage. Arnold is on his back, and Gabriel Luna is on top of him, hurling down big punches towards Arnold’s head. Arnold skillfully blocks everything that Gabe is giving him, but it is not without a struggle. As they take multiple cuts of this scene, I can tell that Gabe most likely has T-1000 style arms in this scene, as he takes wild swings with stiff, yet pointed precision. Between takes, Tim is giving Gabe feedback on looking more mechanical in his movements and taking sharper angles towards Arnold’s head and face.
Between takes, I am introduced to Walter, another 20-year member of Arnold’s loyal team, who called me in the morning. He intently concentrates on Arnold throughout each take, and I can tell that he is also very focused on the scene that they are currently shooting. Evidenced over and over, the work that Arnold does is precise, intense, and meticulous.
There is a break in the scene, and I see Arnold make his way down the ramp, hang a right turn, and start walking towards us. My heart rate slowly starts to increase again, and I repeatedly ask myself if this is really happening right now? As Arnold approaches, he welcomes us to the set and congratulates me on winning the contest and being the grand prize winner. I extend my arm, as does he, and we shake hands. I said, “Governor, it is a pleasure to meet you, and I am truly excited to be here with you now.” Arnold then shares how wonderful it is that I contributed and took action to help Terminate Gerrymandering. He also shares that he wishes more people would get involved to effect further change. I must say that I share his sentiment.
Arnold sits down in a director’s seat, and an assistant hurries over what seems to be a shot of espresso in a small cup. He takes a sip, and I can tell that he savors the warmth and freshness of it. Amazingly, Arnold flew into Budapest that morning after attending the Alamo City Comic Con for the past three days. Before that, he was at several rallies in Michigan and Colorado, as well as hosting the Bonnie Reiss Memorial Lecture at the USC Schwarzenegger Institute. Even at 71 years old (now 72), this legend achieves more in a few days than most of us achieve in a few months! The desire and hunger to “be useful,” advice he received from his father, still rages on within the Terminator. It is incredible to feel this energy in-person, and I cannot find accurate words to describe it.
Arnold and I connect for 20 minutes about various topics: Gerrymandering, my career as a physical therapist, his influence on my career path on health and wellness, my wife’s career as a pediatric oncology pharmacy specialist, Arnold’s time working for President Bush as the Chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, his time at the Alamo City Comic Con, and a few other topics. At this point, I have a deeper understanding of what makes Arnold so unique, and that is, despite his schedule, obligations, and successes, he makes you feel like you are the most important person in the room when he is speaking to you. All focus is on you, and nothing else, and he speaks and listens with genuine interest – it is something extraordinary.
Billy then comes over and discusses the fight scene with Arnold before they take another shot at it. Their flow and communication are very impressive – I would guess since they worked together for almost every movie since The Running Man, that they never skip a beat!
They run through the scene a few more times, and it finally comes to a close. Dieter calls for Liana and me to come up on stage, and Arnold is waiting for us once we climb up the ramp and stairs. Arnold suggests that we take some pictures on the set, and my excitement and elation shoots through the roof, again. I am amazed at the number of people that fit into the fuselage and how quickly they are breaking things down and building things back up. Despite what I see on the screen, which shows a small and tight-knit space, it is quite large, with many moving people and parts inside.

As we get close to take the first picture, Arnold puts his arm around my shoulder (with the CGI sleeve), and Walter takes a few photos for us. Arnold then asks my wife to joins us in the picture as well. Both of us were amazed at how he continually made us feel so welcome during our time together. Walter takes a few more photos, and Arnold requests he take a few steps back to make sure the entire set is in the picture. This was no rush job, and even Arnold is making a point to make sure everything is perfect!

I figured we were finished, but Arnold instructs me to follow him. He turned around and walked up a few steps on the stage, and I quickly follow behind him, where we find ourselves on a platform that surrounds the Humvee. Arnold sits on the hood and tells me to sit down next to him so we could take another photo together. While this is going on, the two body doubles for Arnold and Gabe are running through the scene themselves – talk about a fantastic photo op!!! This one is by far my favorite photo from the trip!

We then walk off the stage together, and Arnold leaves with Walter to attend to a few other business matters and phone calls before he is needed again on set, but not without noting he will “be back!”
As we get back to the seated area, an assistant comes up to us and asks us for a food order before the kitchen closes for lunch. Truthfully, my adrenaline was so high at this time, that all I can say is “surprise me.” The funny part was the assistant is caught a little off guard by this and notes it was the easiest order he took for the day. We both got a chuckle from that! Surprisingly enough, Hungarian people do make a mean spaghetti with meat sauce. It was my only non-traditional Hungarian meal while in Budapest, but it sure did hit the spot!
At this time, one of the crewmembers was walking around handing out earplugs, as they were just about to film a scene with Linda Hamilton firing a weapon at the new Terminator aiming to enter the fuselage of the plane. As Linda is hunkered down attending to something (I couldn’t make out what it was), she turns around quickly, ready to fire, as the Terminator comes soaring in. She fires off one round, aiming to destroy, or at minimum, briefly neutralize the incoming threat. I saw the Rev-9 taking a short running start, launching onto a trampoline type platform, and soaring into the plane while being supported by a very thin support harness. I would estimate they ran through this about 5 or 6 times, again with Tim Miller, giving cues between takes. I won’t lie, I took the earbuds out on a few takes to get the full effect of the gun blast and it was quite loud, much to my surprise.
Next, they bring in a rear portion of the plane that had taken on some damage at this point in the film. I’m impressed by the size of the structure and the level of detail with which the set makers constructed it. Minute details could be seen with each rivet, piece of metal, both attached and unattached, and decals on the rear wing.
Gabe climbs up the staircase that was located in the rear, while the custom-made camera rig zooms in, and they start shooting the scene. I’m fascinated as Gabe moves like a machine with his extremities, but also snake-like with his body. His arm is reaching up high and then slamming down to get a firm grip on the plane, then his body is gliding right across the plane as he slithered along. It had a real eerie feel to it, and from what I gather, is the scene immediately preceding the one where Linda tries to blow his head off. All the while, the crew hands again have giant leaf blowers, as they skillfully create the illusion of Gabe holding onto the outside of a speeding plane.
In between takes, Gabe and Tim discuss the specifics of the movements described above. You can tell both are masters of their craft. Gabe asks the stage crew to make some adjustments to the plane rig and out come the drills and saws. Within minutes, all necessary changes are made, so everything is perfect for Gabe to take a final few takes. His body double, who I believe was a gymnast at the collegiate level, is a specialist in movement and was also giving cues to Gabe during breaks of the filming. The two had great chemistry together, and Gabe shares his appreciation, knowing all feedback is to ensure the shot is perfect.
After this scene, there is a small break as everything is moving back towards the fuselage. Gabe comes over to us, and we start talking about the Terminate Gerrymandering contest and a few other topics. He then proceeds to take us around and introduce us to everyone on set. It was boom, boom, boom! One right after another. Again, we were “Arnold’s guests” (which will never get old to me), and each person continued to give us a very warm reception. I even got the opportunity to briefly connect with Tim Miller, who showed me the movie playing out on his tablet! The whole thing is created via computer programs, and his job is to make it come to life utilizing the actors/actresses in conjunction with the physical set. It is super cool to learn that and also get a brief sneak peek of what the finished product will be! I am thankful for Gabe being so friendly and ensuring we felt entirely at ease with so many people on set and with so many moving parts. He is a true class act.
The action shifts back to the fuselage, and Arnold returns to the set! I believe this scene corresponds with the Rev-9 jumping into the plane. Arnold was in the process of shielding Natalia Reyes and then turning to see what again I can only assume is the Rev-9. Seeing Arnold act as a protector of some sort reminded me of his role in T2, and I have mixed emotions about that. I love Arnold’s character as a badass in T1, but his overall role and performance were so iconic and memorable in T2. Either way, knowing that Jim Cameron influenced this movie made me feel even more excited to see the finished product.
As they go through the filming of the scene, Dieter pokes his head around the set (we are watching on the giant TV screens outside the plane) and calls me up to the stage. Running and almost tripping up the stairs, I see Arnold standing there waiting for me. He waves me over and points to his seat next to him. “Here, sit here in my chair so you can see everything that is happening.” Wow, to sit in Arnold’s chair (the only chair on the set) and get a front-row seat to all of the action is remarkable.
After going through the scene a bunch of times, they got the best cut the first time I was sitting in the chair! Arnold says to me, “You must have been good luck because we got it right that time!” What a great moment!
Arnold is finished filming for the day and heads back to the dressing room to remove his make-up and attend to the next appointment in his busy schedule. I do not have a chance to say good-bye, but I am incredibly thankful for this once in a lifetime experience! We connect a bit more with John Kelly as we prep to head back to the hotel. As we are doing this, Linda and Natalia are inside the plane with a single microphone, recording what seemed to be an opening (or closing) monologue. Linda, being a perfectionist, stops every so often to connect with Tim on the content and flow of her work.
John asks what we were doing the rest of the evening and also invites us back to the set the following day. He shares they will be filming with a giant rotating gyroscope. He recommends a restaurant to us and even calls his assistant to have her set up reservations for us. “If you run into any issues or need a ride to the set tomorrow, here is my cell-phone number.” Talk about first-class service!
Someone approaches us and says, “Arnold is asking for you to join him in his dressing room.” Whoa, I guess this is not over yet! I had no idea how to get back to the trailers, so John walks us over. On our way, we run into Gabe right before we exit the sound stage. John goes, “Gabe, take a picture with my two friends here.” Gabe obliges, and now I have a picture with the newest Terminator also!

As we make it to the parking lot, I see Arnold walking out of his trailer. He waves us over and says, “We are going to dinner, and I want you to join us at the hotel.” Geez, can this get any better? Arnold takes his Denali back to the hotel, and my wife and I hop back in the shuttle. I have mixed emotions as I text John and ask him to cancel the reservation because I am having dinner with the Governor tonight. He responds with excitement and understanding, which puts me at ease.
Dinner is at Kollasz’, the phenomenal restaurant at the hotel. I will save the details of the dinner conversation, but I will share that Arnold keeps two seats next to him for my wife and me. He orders authentic Schnitzel with a side of fresh cucumber salad for the whole table. It is the best meal I’ve ever had, and I am pumped that he chooses these for us!

As dinner is winding down, the next best thing comes – “I think we should work out tomorrow morning before I go to film for the day. Meet me downstairs at 6 am, and we will take my car over.”

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would hang out with Arnold Schwarzenegger on the set of a Terminator movie. Adding on dinner and a workout, in Budapest of all places, makes it seem even more surreal, although that is exactly what happened. Arnold has always been an idol of mine, and meeting him far exceeds any expectations I ever had. The Governor is one of the most kindhearted, generous, and most down to earth people I have ever met. You always have a fear that if you do get the chance to meet your idol that the experience won’t live up to the hype. This experience not only lived up to the hype but pretty much created a 10+/10 experience that I couldn’t imagine even if I tried.
My advice to you: Next time you see Arnold running a contest, despite whatever doubts you may have, donate, and with all the gusto you can muster, send out the most positive vibes into the universe. The best-case scenario is that you get to meet the Big Guy himself! Worst case, well there isn’t because you would have supported a great cause. So…. DO IT NOW!

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