Exclusive: Cameron Says Stay Tuned to T6 for Arnold’s HUMAN character: The T-800 Origin!
In a live Q&A today with James Cameron, discussing August 25th’s T2 in 3D release, the director gave us a few great exclusives on the True Lies blu-ray, ALIENS in 3D and told us some very exciting Terminator 6 news! James Cameron tells TheArnoldFans to stay tuned to T6 as he’s thought a great deal about WHERE the bad T-800 from T1 got his DNA, look and voice. It appears in T6 that we’ll get Arnold Schwarzenegger playing a HUMAN character in which the T-800 gets his looks.

TheArnoldFans: Mr. Cameron, some of my best moviegoing memories are seeing T2 numerous times in theaters in the summer of '91! Thank you for finally bringing it back in this new 3D format! It's also great to hear about your involvement in the next Terminator film! Did you ever consider Arnold also playing a human character in any of the movies, who the T-800 units would be based on?
James Cameron: "Yeah, you got to ask yourself, ‘Why did they make these characters look and sound like Arnold?' There has to be a reason. So yeah, it has flashed through my mind that there has to have been a prototype. There has to have been a guy who’s DNA was harvested from - that they grew the organic outter layer that they grew the Terminator from...and that presumably was a real person at some point. Now, the question is, did that person have some sort of meaning to Skynet on WHY they chose that one (Arnold)? Or was it like a whole rack of Terminators and the one that happened to be the Arnold model just happened to be closest to the door going out to the time displacement center and all the others looked different? I’ve asked myself these questions but it’s never been stay tuned! We’re talking pretty seriously now about doing some new Terminator films or possibly a trilogy and you’ll just have to see what surfaces in those.”
This would be the perfect solution for the now 70-year-old Arnold to be involved in the new Terminator films. Arnold’s T6 character, at age 35-42, could have had his DNA extracted and years later used towards the T-800 model. So we will probably see Arnold as a human character but also have his younger models as CG. Nothing is better than a BAD Terminator!
TheArnoldFans: We’re very excited about this T2 in 3D release and thrilled you're getting heavily involved with Terminator 6. How do Arnold’s muscles look in 3D and would you like to see Arnold return as the evil T-800 role?
James Cameron: "Everything looks better in 3D, including Arnold’s muscles (if you’re into that). But the important thing is that the 3D adds so much to the environment, to the action and to the people. You feel more present when you’re watching the film so Sarah feels more real…or the Terminator T-800 feels more real. In terms of Arnold coming back as the T-800, I was already having moral issues with that after the first movie in ‘84, so then obviously I wrote T2 where he’s the hero and when I gave the script to Arnold he hated it. He didn’t hate the script; he hated the idea (of being good) because I hadn’t really discussed it with him, I just dropped it on him and I thought I’d see what he thought. I gave it to him on a plane to Cannes and he literally read it on the flight and he had to get off the flight and announce at the Cannes Film Festival that we were making the movie. Arnold was petrified because he didn’t think it was the right idea. He tried to talk me out of it. But I think he eventually fell in love with the concept and the rest is history. I think he played it beautifully.
TheArnoldFans: I have my T2 in 3D ticket. If Terminator 2 3D does very well with the fans in theaters, would you also consider a 3D treatment of T1 and True Lies?
James Cameron: "We haven’t proved the business case yet. So ask me again in a couple of weeks if T2 Judgement Day in 3D does well. I think the next title on my list in terms of fan enthusiasm would probably have to be ALIENS (before T1). Aliens really seems to hold up in peoples minds so that would probably be the next one. But again, we have to prove the business case he so people have to show up. So SHOW UP!"
TheArnoldFans: We seriously need that True Lies blu-ray!
James Cameron: "I’m working on that. The True Lies Blu-ray and the Abyss Blu-ray have sort of fallen off my to-do list, getting one, not two, but four Avatar sequels stood up and going. But now that that has happened, I can actually take care of business. So yes, that is coming."
Arnold says Terminator 6 begins shooting in March. For now, get your tickets to Terminator 2 in 3D HERE !

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