Contest Time: Win the All New Arnold Special by Muscle Insider!
Courtesy of our friends at MUSCLE INSIDER, we have 5 copies of their ALL NEW ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER SPECIAL to award to some lucky fans! MUSCLE INSIDER’s new ARNOLD SPECIAL has just hit newsstands in Canada at Coles, Indigo and Chapters bookstores and select supplement stores such as Popeye's, and is also available to download thru This special is filled with tons of great Arnold content for the true fan.
This special has many great features on the Austrian Oak, including:
• YOU DON'T KNOW ARNOLD—60 Arnold facts and trivia that may surprise you
• ARMS LIKE ARNIE—Training feature
• ARNOLD VS. MENTZER—Whose training style was the best?
• MINDSET OF A CHAMPION—How Arnold always succeeds
• FOREVER ICONIC—Why does Arnold have such enduring popularity?
• OLYMPIA CONTROVERSY IN OZ—How and why the Oak won the 1980 Olympia
• WAR GAMES—Arnold's tools to victory

Also, many of MUSCLE INSIDER'S regular columnist weigh in on a variety of Arnold related topics, such as:
• FREAK FITNESS compares the Austrian Oak to current Mr. Olympia, Phil Heath
• MUSCLE DIET discusses Arnold's famous "Pumping Iron" quote about milk and beer
• ASK THE SCIENTIST looks a the science behind getting an Arnold-like pump
• STRONG WORDS has our publisher examining the many hats that Schwarzenegger wears.
• MOTIVATION ZONE gets you inspired to train harder than ever after visiting the Arnold Sports Festival
• And much, much more.

Email us HERE with the subject heading: “Muscle Insider" and include your name, address and the answer to these two questions:
1. Who is Numero Uno?
2. Who is Arnold’s best bodybuilding friend?
The lucky fans with both correct answers will be put into a final drawing to determine the final 5 winners. Contest is now open. Only one entry per person and per email. Contest ends on April 2nd, 2017 and the winners will be notified by email. Good luck!
1. Who is Numero Uno?
2. Who is Arnold’s best bodybuilding friend?
The lucky fans with both correct answers will be put into a final drawing to determine the final 5 winners. Contest is now open. Only one entry per person and per email. Contest ends on April 2nd, 2017 and the winners will be notified by email. Good luck!

Any true Arnold fan's collection will not be complete without the new MUSCLE INSIDER ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER SPECIAL.
To get a digital version of this copy now, visit:
DId you miss one of MUSCLE INSIDER's past Arnold specials? subscribe to our digital magazine at and you can get all our past specials. Make sure to check
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