Exclusive: The Terminator Endo Speaker by AC Worldwide Will Be Back!
We have some very good news! Direct from Karl Grimsey of AC Worldwide, we have confirmation that the earlier planned Terminator Endoskeleton speaker, which didn’t reach the Kickstarter goal, will be back with some new modifications! AC Worldwide, the company that brought us the award-winning Star Wars speakers will still bring the fans a fantastic T-800 Endoskeleton multi media speaker but it will be made from a different material and will no longer include the camera. Otherwise the product still sounds amazing and will be a must-have collectable for any fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Terminator movie franchise.

TheArnoldFans spoke with Karl Grimsey, founder and creator of the Terminator speaker.
Hi TheArnoldFans, Karl from AC Worldwide here, I just wanted to give you a quick update on our T-800 project. It was disappointing to not reach our goal for Kickstarter, I was very surprised we didn't get the backers we thought would be out there. However, I am currently over in our factory working on a revised plan to bring out our T-800. But, it will be slightly different than originally planned.
Here's what we know so far, we will not be able to include the camera as this an expensive function to develop and instead of the speaker being fully alloy we will now make it in resin with an alloy coat, without the Kickstarter backing we cannot make the investment to its development. However, we will continue with the plan to include the Alexa voice assistant as we know this will be an exciting feature and from the feedback we received, it will be a popular feature.
We have had T-800 on display at the Hong Kong consumer electronics show this week and it has received a great deal of attention.
The good news is, something will definitely be coming from us and we will be able to confirm an updated price and delivery times within the next few weeks once my team and I have looked at all the relevant requirements and plans.
I want to reach out to everyone who supported the Kickstarter campaign and those who would like to own one from the first batch will have that unique opportunity to do so through a pre-order process. We will need to get minimum of 200 pre orders to offer a 'first batch' exclusive, so I hope we can count on your support. We estimate the launch will be circa Feb 2018 or maybe a little sooner.
We promise that we'll let you, The Arnold Fans know first hand about the pre-order opportunity within the next few weeks.
The Terminator T-800 Endoskeleton speaker is an exact replica of the robot created for the T1 movie, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Designed with remarkable attention to detail, the T-800 boasts high-quality audio with powerful bass, glowing red eye sockets and voice-control using the built-in Alexa feature. Standing 45cm (18 inches) tall, this is one of the largest reproductions of the Endoskeleton skull ever produced.

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