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Exclusive: Brooke Burke-Charvet Talks Arnold & Celebrity Apprentice!

Can you believe it's only 3 months to go until Arnold Schwarzenegger's Celebrity Apprentice on NBC? Aside from a very cool Television promo showing the BOSS being built, the studio is keeping a tight lip on this January 2nd reality show. However, TheArnoldFans did catch up with one of the show's apprentice contestants working for Schwarzenegger.
Brooke Burke-Charvet, actress, TV personality, Hidden Heroes star and author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, was on Reddit today and shared with TheArnoldFans a few Celebrity Apprentice tidbits, her favorite charity and the art of the Booty Burn!
TheArnoldFans: Hi Brooke, We've just a few more months to go for the Celebrity Apprentice with you and ARNOLD! What can you tell us about your time with Schwarzenegger (on camera and off)? Was Arnold intimidating? AND Can you share any Celebrity Apprentice stories or challenges?

Brooke Burke-Charvet: "I'm not allowed to share much or he might terminate me, but I love the language of business and advertising and it was a thrilling experience for me. Because I was competing for Operation Smile which is my personal charity, I was on a mission. I played the game of Celebrity Apprentice for a much more important reason than just television, and I can't wait for people to meet the business woman in me. As far as Arnold goes, of course it was intimidating to have The Terminator as your boss."

TheArnoldFans: What's your favorite Schwarzenegger movie and have you ever tried talking like the Celebrity Apprentice BOSS? How's your Arnold accent?

Brooke: "My accent sucks! My favorite Schwarzenegger movie is Kindergarten Cop. I much preferred to imagine him in that role as opposed to the Terminator when we were sitting in the board room."

TheArnoldFans: How do you stay fit? What exercises do you do and how often do you sneak in some junk food? And what music do you listen to while exercising? And Did Arnold encourage the Celebrity Apprentice staff to exercise?

Brooke: "I teach a class in Malibu called Booty Burn which is a rhythmic body sculpting class. It's a passion project of mine. I also do Soul Cycle and yoga. All of my workouts are equally for my mind and spirit as much as my body. I sneak in junk food when my body is really craving it. On most days I have a disciplined eating plan but I do believe in cheat days."

TheArnoldFans: Who did you bond with the most on Celebrity Apprentice (did you make new friends) and does Arnold always make grand appearances (like arriving on a tank, chopper, or horse) or does he keep his arrivals rather casual? 

Brooke: "I did make new friends! Laila Ali and I connected on the show. I have great respect for her for many reasons. Matt Iseman was a new friend that I met during the show as well. Carnie Wilson always cracks me up. She and I met on the set of Breaking Bread and I adore her. The rest you'll have to watch and see."

We can't wait to see! Thank you, Brooke, we'll be watching The New Celebrity Apprentice on January 2nd, 2017! 

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