Terminator 2 Turns 25, But Our Celebration May Be Terminated!
On July 3rd, 1991, Terminator 2 was released and met with critic and fan praise
alike. While Schwarzenegger was already a big star with Conan, Predator, Twins
and Total Recall, many believe it was the role in Terminator 2 that propelled Arnold
from a well-known entertainer to a top international A-lister.

25 years later, Terminator 2: Judgment Day remains, for many, Schwarzenegger’s
best film. It broke R-rated box office records and was the highest grossing film of
the year. To this day, we’re blown-away by the talent from the cast and crew. Their
contributions set the highest bar in special effects, make-up, actor performances,
writing, sound, musical score and brilliant artistic direction by James Cameron.
Considering the film’s big scale, how many awards it earned, how the industry was
forever changed by the groundbreaking visual effects and worldwide social impact,
it SICKENS ME to think that there is no word from studios announcing any sort of
25th anniversary fan celebration for this cinematic pop culture A-lister!

There SHOULD BE a major fan meet-up at this year’s San Diego Comic Con, complete
with a booth, a cast and crew panel, cosplay gatherings and 25th anniversary
merchandise. Yet there have been no announcements from StudioCanal. There
SHOULD BE a major world-wide re-released of T2 in theaters but from what we’re
hearing now, ONLY China may be getting the 3D release in October. There SHOULD
BE a Terminator-themed Convention. There SHOULD BE a major online social media
party on July 3rd. Yet no official press releases have gone out. Twitter SHOULD have
an endoskeleton emoji for when anyone uses the hashtag #Terminator2 on that day.
We are just days and hours away from the official 25-year anniversary. This is not
just any anniversary; this is Terminator Fucking Two!

Let’s see the fans rise up! Apparently it’s up to TheArnoldFans to get an online party
going. We shall be partying hard online on July 3rd and we hope anyone with taste
in great cinema shows support. Come of fans, since the studio who owns the rights
to T2 is completely ignoring this film, it’s up to US ALL to share some online love.
Share stories on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and more. Let’s hear your stories of
when and where you were when you saw T2 and who you saw it with. Share
pictures of your memories, your cosplay, collections, artwork, anything and
everything! Tag Arnold in your posts and tell the world that July 3rd, the 25th
anniversary of Terminator 2, is a day for worldwide fan celebration! Rise up,
Arnold’s Army!

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