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10 Challenge Ideas for Arnold’s Celebrity Apprentice!

Now that the 16 contestants have been revealed on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Celebrity Apprentice, we’re one step closer to having a tremendous amount of money raised for charities. Naturally, the After-School All-Stars will be high on Arnold’s fund-raising missions on the primetime show but let’s consider a few other organizations, businesses and events, which may stand to greatly benefit from the Schwarzenegger’s involvement.

10. Arnold Sports Festival 

Contestants helping to develop flavors and a package design for the best tasting new energy bars. Or Contestants compete in athletic challenges, perhaps the 5K Pump and Run. Contestants get donations for number of blocks achieved and fastest time gets immunity. 

9. The Schwarzenegger Institute 

Contestants develop a commercial for a better tomorrow for the Schwarzenegger Institute in a think outside the box competition. Perhaps a focus on renewable energy, climate change awareness or anti-bullying campaigns.

8. Arnie’s Life

Contestants can organize a social event for the fans at Arnold’s museum in Thal, Austria! While a big party can bring in lots of money for charities, it can also bring much awareness to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s museum. Challenges can design the museum’s brochure, T-shirts or to think up fantastic pieces of merchandise for future sales within the Arnie’s Life gift shop. Perhaps a better idea could even be for both teams to drive two separate tour buses to all of Arnold’s childhood and teenage hotspots near his home. Stops could include the gym, lake, trails, church and his school among other landmarks. The best bus tour wins the challenge.

7. Terminator 2 in 3D

Released this year, Terminator 2 IS BACK in theaters but this time, Arnold, Robert Patrick and Linda Hamilton will be in 3-D! The two teams can either challenge one another by producing the best promotional teaser trailer or they could help auction off Arnold-signed Terminator merchandise at the after-party!  

6. TheArnoldFans

Why not get Arnold’s fan club involved? We at TheArnoldFans have been promoting Mr. Schwarzenegger for 19 glorious online years and as Arnold knows, we have his back with maximum support. Arnold’s #1 fan club here has a nice set of skills, ideas and energy to lend to the show. We’d be happy to assist Arnold in any challenge or act as judges in any competition. Will work for energy bars.

5. Arnold Garage Sale

The team to help sell the most Arnold-signed props and donated items from Schwarzenegger’s possession shall be victorious!

4. The Arnold Watch Line

 Coming out in the 4th quarter of 2016, the Arnold Schwarzenegger watch line will be wrist-ready! But where are the commercials and ads? Leave the promotion up to the 16 competitors and keeping the challenge time-related, have them work fast against that clock! 

3. Fitness Magazines

No one has done more for the sport of bodybuilding and has inspired us more to exercise than the one and only Arnold Schwarzenegger. To this day, the muscle and fitness magazines with Arnold on the cover will continue to outsell any issue showing a current bodybuilder.  The contestants may be able to help on a muscle magazine and find the perfect ad sponsor. Or the challenge could be to write the best fitness or motivational article. Perhaps the two teams each choose one person to model for a Muscle & Fitness advertisement or article.

2. 478 and Conan Movie Promotion.

Arnold has a new film coming out at the end of the year and even has a new Conan film in the works. The contestants are challenged to figure ways to raise awareness for Arnold’s projects. Or contestants can raise money by finding high bidders to have a walk-on role or cameo in Arnold’s upcoming films. San Diego Comic Con would be a fantastic location for the contestants to get a booth to promote Celebrity Apprentice and Arnold’s upcoming film projects.

1. After-School All-Stars

The After-School All-Stars, a national non-profit organization to help keep kids away from drugs and gangs after school hours, has been Arnold’s numero uno charitable organization for decades. It will be no surprise to see ASAS get lots of love on The Celebrity Apprentice but what challenge should the contestants face? How about teaming up with the actual children who are part of this fantastic program? While the 16 contestants all have high popularity and fame, it is the children of After-School All-Stars who are the real celebrities!

Will the new contestants of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Celebrity Apprentice lack discipline or prove themselves Numero Uno? Jon Lovitz, Laila Ali, Brooke Burke-Charvet, Eric Dickerson, Boy George, Matt Iseman, Carrie Keagan, Carson Kressley, Lisa Leslie, Vince Neil, Nicole "Snooki” Polizzi, Kyle Richards, Chael Sonnen, Porsha Williams, Ricky Williams and Carnie Wilson beg for Termination mercy! Celebrity Apprentice has JUST started filming but no release date has been set.

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