Get Your Schwarzenegger Rings by AJT Jewellery!
On the Terminator Genisys red carpet, I told Arnold that he has more fashion sense and style now at age 67 than he ever had before. Just look at Arnold’s boots, his belt buckle collection and best of all, his RINGS! Some of the latest and badass rings the Governor has been wearing lately, including his silver endoskeleton model, are the beautifully mastered works of Anthony Troiano of AJT Jewellery.
Although some of Arnold’s rings are not mass produced and you won’t be able to order his rare Endoskeleton ring, you CAN order other versions of Arnold’s models like "The Regal Sugar Skull” or “Plain Huge Sugar” rings. These Sugar Skull Arnold rings are 115 grams of Solid Silver and are beautifully crafted by ring masters who also love Schwarzenegger! Diamonds or Rubies eye socket inserts are optional but will be extra.
The Governator has five AJT Jewellery rings. In addition to his end ring, he has both big and smaller versions of his Sugar Skulls so if you want to order the same ring as your favoite action hero/role model, get your ass on over to!
AJT Jewellery was founded in Melbourne, Australia by Anthony Troiano in 2013 and specialize in creating one-of-a-kind pieces of jewellery that the world has never seen!

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