10 Ways to Help Arnold Celebrate His 68th Birthday Today!
At last, the time of high adventure is here! Let’s all get ready for a fun-filled day of Arnold celebration for our favorite hero’s 68th birthday! Born on July 30th, 1947, Arnold was raised since birth in the small town of Thal, near Graz, Austria, to quickly grow in size and power as the world’s greatest body-builder, gym and fitness motivator, most badass action hero movie star, environmental activist, Governor of California, and then made a comeback as action hero legend in films such as Escape Plan and Terminator Genisys (estimated to soon reach at least 450 million in the worldwide box office). With countless titles, awards and trophies under his belt, Arnold Schwarzenegger now also holds the record for most on-screen kills with 566!
Today we honor Arnold Schwarzenegger for not only his accomplishments of his past but also for the good we know he’ll bestow at age 68 upon his fans, After-School programs, fitness followers and communities in need. Best of all, this should be the year Arnold makes his ultimate cinematic comeback in The Legend of Conan! So If you require some party ideas, we’ve come up with a list of 10 ways to help you celebrate Arnold's 68th birthday!
10. Give something BACK! Arnold likes to GIVE BACK more than he likes to receive. So if you too want to adopt his great giving-back policy, why not help support Schwarzenegger’s favorite after-school program: After-School All-Stars! Not only will your donation go to a great cause, you’ll be entered in a contest to win great prizes like a chance to Blow Shit Up with Arnold! Go to Omaze.com/Arnold!
9. Visit Arnold’s museum! Arnie’s Life! What better way to celebrate the life of Schwarzenegger than to visit Arnold’s early childhood home, now turned museum. Tons of movie props, furniture antiques and original barbells are all on display for the fans! If you go, tell them theArnoldFans sent you! Among other merchandise, Arnie’s Life will be selling 68 anniversary small Oak Trees for 30.00. The name of the purchaser will be written on a tablet of honor in the museum and each Oak Tree sold will have its own certificate!
8. See Terminator Genisys in theaters! T5 is one fantastic thrill-ride and the majority of fans really appreciate this film. On this glorious day, see it for your first time, the second or the seventh time! Just go and tweet us a picture of you at the movies with your ticket stub!
7. Get to the GYM! What better way to feel good about yourself than achieving a great fitness goal for the day! Don’t forget to pack some Arnold products by MusclePharm!
6. WIN a Terminator! You can win a T-800 Battle Damaged Version sixth scale Arnold Schwarzenegger figure (Value $229)! We will be announcing the winner today at 3pm PST so there is still time for you to enter!
5. Arnold Day! Party in Florida at Orlando's Lazy Moon Pizza on Saturday, August 1, 2015 from noon to 2 a.m. The event has grown from a small gathering of University of Central Florida students to now hundreds of fans from across the U.S. For more information, including the Arnold movie line-up and merchandise, visit www.arnoldday.com!
4. Decorations and Cakes! Make your living room, home theater or work place a festive Arnold setting! Bring out your standees, movie posters, endoskeleton busts and wear an Arnold T-shirt! Bake an Arnold cake and since you’re grown up, drink a beer…because milk is for babies. But remember: “You should not drink and bake!”
3. Movie Marathons! What kind of Arnold party would it be without putting on two or three (or more) of your favorite Arnold DVDs / Blu-rays! We know you all have a very impressive Arnold movie collection so tell us which ones you’ll be watching for this birthday bash. You can even see the zombie drama, MAGGIE, now in theaters in the UK or available now in the USA on DVD and Blu-ray! TheArnoldFans is also having a contest for fans to WIN a Maggie Blu-ray so click HERE to enter now!
2. Listen to our Birthday Spectacular episode of Arnold Radio News! Here’s your invitation to our annual birthday podcast! For today's special guest, we have on Terminator Genisys composer Lorne Balfe! There's also other guests and surprises! Come on in and join the party!
1. We’re NOW on Instagram! We just launched today in time for Arnold’s birthday! Celebrate with us today on our Social Media pages. ALL DAY long we’ll be honoring Arnold so get to the choppa and ride it to our online parties at Twitter, Facebook and Instagram NOW! Who knows, we might even pop in on Periscope and Snapchat today! Share a birthday message with Schwarzenegger! Arnold loves hearing from his fans so send him a Tweet to wish him a happy birthday! Maybe you can also take a picture of some artwork or a birthday card that you created and tweet that to the Terminator star!
Stay connected, everyone! We have strength in numbers as proud Arnold fans! Like Schwarzenegger, stay strong, stay ballsy and stay hungry! Sometimes we eat green berets for breakfast, but today, let us dine on cake and good times. Happy birthday, Arnold!

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