TheArnoldFans Rocks the Terminator Genisys Red Carpet!
Now that you’ve heard our initial thoughts on Terminator Genisys and hopefully have plans for seeing it with all your friends the next few days, let’s talk about our Hollywood red carpet adventure! TAFs top dogs Randy Jennings and The Gillinator were both in Hollywood at the Dolby Theater (after an amazing Conan screening the night before… this tale shall also be told) ready for a big spectacle, and we sure got one!
The whole block of Hollywood Blvd was closed off to accommodate the carpet (a Cyberdyne Grey hue) plus bleachers for the fans, lights, scaffolding, giant screens, full size endos, and even flamethrowers which shot off every few minutes! We checked in and took our assigned spot on the carpet, right near the theater entrance and endoskeleton platform. It was a fairly warm day, but we were still suited up and ready for action!
No sooner did we get situated, when the first interview happened… which was a local LA radio station interviewing US! We gave them the good advices on what it’s like being the #1 Arnold Fan site and all we do to support our idol. They were impressed.
We interviewed several stars of the film and other celebs that were there to support Arnold. We'll get to all of these later, but we know you want to hear what the Big Guy himself had to say first! Heading our way on the red carpet and looking very fashionable, we had to ask Arnold about some of his ballsy accessories and some Terminator-themed rings and watches!
TheArnoldFans: Arnold, so good to see you again! Terminator! At age 67 you have more fashion sense than you’ve ever had in your previous years. Look at you with the rings and the belt buckle…let me ask you about this new Arnold watch line that you have coming out because I know you have some Terminator watches coming out. So can you please tell me more about this watch line?
Arnold Schwarzenegger: "I have always been interested in watches but the ones that I liked, like this one for instance, it’s a beautiful watch but not something everyone can afford. So therefor the idea was to create a watch line that looks like that, that it could be fifty thousand dollars or one hundred thousand dollars but it cost only between eight hundred and fifteen hundred dollars. So this is what the idea is of the Arnold line. So that almost everybody can afford it and they can be proud of something that is bigger than the normal watch out there. With this line, there are military watches, there are going to be sports watches from my sports and athletic career and watches from my movie career, kind of Terminator type of watches. So there are military and action watches. Then there are more refined watches like The Governor’s watch from my political career. So this is what you will see."

We also have a little exclusive here. Although we heard earlier this week that Arnold was to next do the revenge drama “478”, Schwarzenegger tells TheArnoldFans that any one of these films could be next!
Arnold Schwarzenegger: "I don’t know exactly yet but very soon I will know what the scheduling will be and which movie will be first and all that. Because this is between Triplets (Twins 2), between Conan and that (478), so there are a lot of things on the plate right now."

Along with Arnold was Sam Hazlewood, and if you don’t know his name, maybe you didn't watch Jimmy Fallon the other night because he is the winner of Arnold’s Omaze contest where the winner got to attend the premiere with Arnold! He and his wife were very excited to be there and loved all the good that Arnold does by promoting After-School All-Stars so much.
TAFs: How many entries did you put in?
Sam: I donated $10 which gave me 100 entries.
TAFs: Tell me about your prize.
Sam: What I got is they flew me and my wife out here. We stayed in a hotel. We were picked up by Arnold, and I got to meet him. We got to talk on the ride over which was really cool, that whole one-on-one thing. We get out on the red carpet and there’s fans everywhere, he’s signing stuff. And then we’re going to go to the rest of the red carpet, watch the movie, and afterwords we’re going to go to the after-party and hang out.
TAFs: You get to drink Schnapps, right?
Sam: Yes, I get to drink Schnapps with Arnold at the after-party, that’s gonna be awesome.
TAFs: Fantastic cause with After-School All-Stars, that’s what it’s all about.
Sam: I have two kids 13 and 8, and they love after school stuff, so as soon as I saw it was for After-School All-Stars, I instantly donated. It was an after thought that I might get to meet Arnold, but I like to donate to really good causes.
Don’t forget, there’s still time to donate and enter Arnold’s other Omaze contest to get the chance to Blow Sh*t Up with him! Do it NOW!
Some of the other main actors in the film and other celebs were in too much of a hurry to get in, but we did catch some of them later at the after party, too, in various stages of inebriation! It was a great red carpet to be on, and it was made extra-special by the fact that Arnold asked us to use HIS Periscope account to stream it live to all his followers on Twitter! So if you were watching and caught the logo on our mic and wondered, YES it was us, and NO we didn’t steal Arnold’s phone or hijack his account (live comments on Periscope are fun). He simply knew we were up to the task and could be trusted to give his fans what they want! That video is now expired, but we’ll edit the footage and re-post it at some point. What we DO have now though, is this great moment of Arnold entering the Dolby Theater to the chants and cheers to hundreds of his fans. Check it out!
More interviews from the red carpet are coming soon along with our after party recap! But wait, why are you reading this article now? Shouldn’t you be at the theater right now seeing Terminator Genisys multiple times? Don’t forget your Terminator free collectible theater posters while supplies last!

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