Exclusive: Arnold & James Cameron Love Terminator Genisys!
For those sci-fi fans who were hoping that Terminator Genisys would be a disappointment, due to James Cameron’s lack of involvement, it looks like you’ll have to rethink your stance on summer’s biggest sci-fi action film. It turns out that the director of T1 ad T2 was responsible for not only coming up with the idea of Arnold’s aged cyborg, he also LOVES the final Terminator Genisys film!
TheArnloldFans had Ted “Turboman”, our usual Brazilian reporter, attend the Terminator Genisys Experience, a 20 minute look at the film’s footage, with Arnold Schwarzenegger on hand to take our questions. Read Ted's report below!
Schwarzenegger told us that he saw the film and loved it, and was surprised by the emotion of it. He added someone in the theater with him had tears. But perhaps the highest praise comes from James Cameron himself who personally told Arnold that he LOVES Terminator Genisys! That’s right, Arnold told us James Cameron loved this film! T3 and T4 didn’t get this amount of love from Cameron and even Arnold himself has gone on record saying that T4 “sucked”
Some felt this Genisys film was shitting on Cameron but the truth is, the original director not only gave his blessing for the continuation, but it was Cameron’s idea to have an aged Terminator. People were once complaining that robots shouldn’t age but a Terminator isn’t just a robot, it’s a cyborg. "I'm a cybernetic organism. Living tissue over a metal endoskeleton." The skin ages, the hair ages, but the endoskeleton underneath is just as powerful. Here's the quote from Cameron about it from last October's 30th Anniversary Terminator screening.
“I pointed out that the outer covering [of the Terminator] was actually not synthetic, that it was organic and therefore could age. You could theoretically have a Terminator that was sent back in time, missed his target, and ended up just kind of living on in society. Because he is a learning computer and has a brain as a central processor he could actually become more human as he went along without getting discovered.”
Arnold explained the difference in personalities between James Cameron and the new director Alan Taylor. He said he loved both of them but they are totally different.
Schwarzenegger gave an example of going to Alan and saying “Hey, maybe we should change this line.” And then Alan said, “I love that idea, Arnold. Let’s try it and if it doesn’t work we will use the other.” And we used it. Meanwhile, Cameron during the “I’ll be back” argument said “Don’t rewrite my fucking script.”
During our time with Arnold, he also said he wishes they had these special effects in his first Terminator films. The effects on screen did look top notch. We saw many completed action sequences including the yellow bus on the Golden Gate Bridge sequence and also the full middle-aged T-800 vs the young 1984 nude Arnold! We wished this fight went on for a solid five minutes. It was epic but perhaps closer to two edge-of-our-seat minutes and that CG of the young Arnold was amazing! Even the three punk-rockers looked perfectly cast and wore the exact same outfits from the original Terminator!
Paramount pictures released a couple of these scenes that we were shown during our 20 minute preview. You can view them below or better yet, wait to see this footage on the big screen on July 1st in theaters with all of your friends!
We also learned that the big spoiler we got from the 2nd film trailer is not the big reveal of the movie. We don’t know what the real big twists are but we're assured there will be more mind-f***s in the film. So what we see in that trailer is simply the premise of the film but we’ll have to wait and see how we will truly get our minds blown later.
As some of you may know, I wasn’t as optimistic as the other guys at TheArnoldFans but I must say, after what I saw and what Arnold told me, I’m beyond pumped. I’m sure many of you wanted James Cameron to say he thought this film sucked but if Cameron loves it, as he says, perhaps the ONLY thing left to pick on now is this silly spelling of Genisys.

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