Exclusive: Win the Chance to Blow Sh*t Up with Schwarzenegger!
"Get ready for a surprise!" You've seen Arnold blow up countless bad guys on screen with Harrier jets, guns, dynamite, bombs, and exploding heads on Mars but what if you had the magic ticket to step into an action hero world and really blow some sh*t up WITH Arnold Schwarzenegger!? Well, OMAZE.com is giving you that opportunity! To help raise money and awareness for Schwarzenegger's After-School All-Stars, a raffle will allow one lucky fan the ultimate experience. Not only will you get to blow stuff up by weapons of Arnold's choice, you'll also get to spend the day with the Terminator star, ask him questions, smoke stogies together, and possibly even hit the gym for a quick pump.
Here's one of the coolest things: Fans will get to decide what Arnold will blow up! He's listening, so what do you think he should make go BOOM? Well, we're fans so here's what TheArnoldFans would like to suggest to have the Omaze winner and Schwarzenegger blow up: a T-1000 ice sculpture (so you can say "Hasta la vista, baby" right before it explodes), a few miniature flying target helicopters (so you can get to blowing up da choppas), a gallon of milk (because milk is for babies), a copy of Red Sonja (for obvious reasons) and a big hour glass because we HATE the WAIT for Terminator Genisys. Show that hourglass there is no fate but the explosions you make!
The winner of this Omaze contest will be given flight and hotel accomodations, just like last year's TANK RIDE winner, Alex Mihelick.
"As we climbed in the tank, the director was yelling instruction on where to drive and what to crush," Alex tells TheArnoldFans. "Mid-instruction, Arnold responded “Exactly,” and we were on our way. With Arnold at the wheel, I found myself on top of a tank, heading directly toward a car. It was right then that I realized this is by far the craziest, coolest shit I had ever done. As we drove closer and closer to the car, I started thinking that it might be a good idea to hold on. We hit that car dead on and crushed it. We went on to crush 7-10 more things, all of which you’ll have to watch the video to see."
The video, coming SOON, is an action movie trailer, complete with a plot, villain and one-liners. Schwarzenegger will tell us when Alex's trailer will premiere so stick around! Also be sure to come back to read our FULL interview with the tank winner, Alex Mihelick!
Also similar to last year's Omaze Arnold raffle, there will be other rewards like gym towels, shirts, Schwarzenegger personal messages, and autographs. The coolest rewards include a video Arnold critique of your workout form, a signed copy of the Terminator Genisys script, and a meet & greet with Arnold at the Genisys premiere! Best of all, every entry supports the After-School All-Stars! So what are you waiting for? Goooo, get to Omaze.com/Arnold Now!

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