Paramount Books Dates for Two More Terminators!
Hey, we have some Terminator news! It's not about Terminator Genisys, per se, but rather its two additional sequels. Sequels, you say? Yes! We knew a trilogy was part of the plan from the outset, but now Paramount has announced (as reported by THR) planned dates to release "Terminator 2" and "Terminator 3," on May 19, 2017 and June 29, 2018 respectively. Obviously, the titles are just placeholders. It is assumed with this kind of schedule, that the two films would be shot back-to-back, Lord of the Rings style.
What does this mean? Well, not a whole lot yet. Beyond the dates, nothing else was announced in terms of director, writer, casting, or any other aspect of producing the films. Most importantly, we have no idea if Arnold is set to continue in them. One scenario is that he will, because what's a Terminator movie without Arnold **cough Salvation**, but another is that Genisys would be the last Terminator where Arnold is a lead character, and the newer cast would continue the franchise, with Arnold doing cameos for the next two. And of course, all of this is moot if Genisys comes out next July and bombs. Remember that McG had a trilogy in mind with Terminator Salvation, but that didn't exactly pan out.
For now, I'll see this as good in that the execs at Paramount must see the potential for Terminator to make a big comeback and make tons of money, especially given the other big summer films it will being going up against, like Marvel and a Lego Movie sequel. It's a small but crucial early vote of confidence, but there's not much else to read into it. Now how about a teaser trailer and poster, Paramount?

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