It Is Time for the Schwarzenegger Birthday Spectacular!!!
At last, our ultimate action hero has reached the perfect age to play King Conan! We'll share promising Conan news soon but let's first focus on the big day. That's right, Arnold Schwarzenegger is 67 today so let's celebrate by honoring the international stud by watching his movies, hitting the gym, and blowing up his Twitter account with your birthday messages to the Austrian Oak! Show him your love and support on this day of July 30th, 2014.
Arnold, In celebration amongst your fan community, please allow us to inform you how is honoring your big day. On the day of your birthday, we're kicking off A.R.N. (Arnold Radio News), a weekly podcast with celebrity interviews, contests and the latest news to promote your projects. We're happy to give a little something back to you (and to your fans) for all the great entertainment and good deeds that you provide - so please enjoy this new weekly radio show.
You can listen to the premiere episode in the player below, but make sure you also SUBSCRIBE to our podcast to get new episodes by pasting or typing this URL into your favorite podcast player:
(You can't search and find it in iTunes YET. We are submitting it to Apple so it should show up there in the future.) UPDATE: It's in iTunes now! Just search for "Arnold Radio News" in any app that searches the iTunes podcast directory, and subscribe! Or, click HERE!
Over the last several weeks, we collected a lot of birthday messages from the stars - including messages from Jack Black, Wesley Snipes, Sven-Ole Thorsen, Lou Ferrigno, Jim Lorimer and MANY others! Listen to our podcast to hear all of these birthday well-wishes to Arnold. Most of these stars also signed Arnold's birthday card!
We even got the Howard Stern Sirius XM gang to say hi to Arnold for his special day. Special thanks to Richard Christy for recording the nice birthday message for our podcast show. Sal Governale also TRIED to record a message but he accidentally hit the stop button on the recorder. But it was a funny birthday message and we gave the show producer Gary Dell'Abate (Baba Booey) a Daniel Marshall cigar.
Let us know what you think of Arnold Radio News. If enough fans like it and want to hear more of these interviews with the stars, we'll eventually get some better recording equipment. Sorry if it's not the best recording right now. Maybe we'll eventually get some big sponsors to pump up our sound quality.
In addition to the release of A.R.N., TheArnoldFans also sent Schwarzenegger a box of COOKIES! Randy from TAFs freelances for a cookie business called Crazy Cookies and they took his Arnold art and made it into a 4 inch character cookie. 67 is printed on his bicep and the After-School All-Stars initials are on his chest.
Have a fantastic birthday, Arnold! We're looking forward to your new future surprises, health tips, your crusade on environmental issues and new films. Now get to some sword practice for KING CONAN!

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