Katherine Schwarzenegger Q&A with TAFs & Apple Audience!
Hey Arnold Fans! Brandon Krum here with a great Schwarzenegger tale to share! Yesterday, on the evening of June 4th at 6pm, the daughter of our hero, Katherine Schwarzenegger, came to the Soho Apple Store in New York City to promote her new book 'I Just Graduated... Now What?' and I didn't let anything get in my way of attending! Luckily I had read of the event on Katherine's Facebook page a few days beforehand, and went to Apple's website to make a reservation immediately!
I made sure to arrive early, and got a prime seat in the front row, just in front of the chairs they set up. I had the perfect spot to get the ultimate Schwarzenegger experience! And after waiting a good 30 minutes while others took their seats, it was time! But just like her father had done when I met him at his New York City Book Signing, she didn't arrive at Apple until only a few minutes before the event actually started!
After walking in with her posse and going right into the back room, Katherine emerged after a few minutes and walked out on stage! She was in great spirits and looked excited to have a chat with Andrew Bevan from Teen Vogue.
They started things off with Katherine reading a few passages from the ending of her book on an iPad Air. Then Andrew asked Katherine a series of questions about the creation process of the book.
Determined to power through the uncertainty of post-graduation, bestselling author Katherine embarked on a yearlong quest to gather the best guidance possible from more than thirty highly successful people working in fields like business, media, fashion, technology, sports, and philanthropy.
After a great 30 minute back and forth, it was time for the audience to get to ask some questions! I was quick to raise my hand, and was lucky enough to be the first to get called on to ask a question!
TheArnoldFans: Hi Katherine, my name is Brandon Krum, and I actually work at your Dads website 'TheArnoldFans.com'. First off I just want to say that the book is fantastic! I think that your mothers advice to kind of just take a pause is absolutely correct. But my real question is, considering you've written a couple books now, and your Dad and even Patrick work in the film industry, have you ever thought about writing a screenplay, and if so, what genre would it be?
Katherine Schwarzenegger: Umm, no. (She says with a smile) I have not thought of that. My brother likes doing that, so I think he's better at that format then I am, and seems to have a wild imagination in that way, so I'll leave that to him. "
Audience Member: My older son just graduated from college last week, and one of the things that many of them were talking about was student loan debt. And of course there has been some discussion about your Dad and acting, but of course many of us admire your Dad for his politics and his activism in that area, Do you ever see yourself getting involved politically, I mean the whole student loan situation in higher education is just not sustainable the way it's gone up, do you see yourself making your mark in that area as well?
Katherine Schwarzenegger: "I do not see myself going into politics at all. I think that if you grow up in politics you either develop a love for it or a strong dislike for it. I respect everyone in the political world, and admire all the work that they do. I don't think that life is for me. But I think that the issue with student loans is a huge one. I think it's a shame how high the tuitions are now, because I think it's getting harder and harder for people to actually go get a good education. I have two interviews in the book, one with Ron Bergum and one with Joe Kakaty who are experts on student loans and how to get on the right track to pay those back, because it's something that will haunt you forever. So that was definitely a really important topic that we put in the book. And it's something that actually comes up a lot in every interview that I do for this book and whenever I talk about this book. So it's definitely a really big issue that I hope people will try and fix because I think the idea that you wouldn't be able to get an education is a sad thought. "
TheArnoldFans: Is there going to be a New York Book Signing Tour, or any kind of tour for this at all?
Katherine Schwarzenegger: "In New York? "
TheArnoldFans: In New York, or are you going to be doing any kind of tour for signing the book?
Katherine Schwarzenegger: "I did a little bit of it last month, I do not have something planned for right now, but I'll be sure to let everyone know. "
TheArnoldFans: One last question if I may. Considering our venue, do you think Apple will be responsible for future cyborgs? Considering things like The Terminator and things like that your Dad made, I'm just curious what you think.
Katherine Schwarzenegger: "I have no idea." (The Audience laughed and got a kick out of this question)
Audience Member: (pointing to the title of the book on the screen) I Just Graduated, Now What? Now what (are your plans)?
Katherine Schwarzenegger: "Lovely question, thank you for asking (she says with a laugh) Well I mean I'm on this book tour, so this is my life right now. I also have a lifestyle website which I love doing. And I'm also going to start shooting a show with PopSugar(.com) which will be a web series. I'm not 100% sure (when it will air) but I will let you know when we do know. "
Andrew Bevan: Awesome, Well thank you so much for joining us! And everyone download the book. No matter what your age!
Katherine Schwarzenegger: "Thank you guys all for coming. Yes download the book, whatever phase you are in your life. Thank you! "
After the event ended, I quickly walked outside and to the employee entrance on the side of the Soho Apple store. I saw a black car waiting, and I knew it was there to take her back to the airport. Surprisingly no one else was waiting outside, and after a few minutes, Katherine emerged with her entourage and said her goodbyes, after waiting patiently I asked if I could get an autograph. She happily obliged my request!
I was grabbing my phone in my pocket to ask for a picture with her as well, but her publicist walked up and said she had to go. Wanting to be respectful, I decided not to ask for one, and just ended by letting Katherine know how great the event was, and then she was on her way.
Luckily for me, Katherine posted an image on her Instagram account of the event, and guess who you can see in the front row seat listening intently? It's me! Turns out I got my picture with her after all!
Graduation is a time of tough questions whose answers we don’t—and sometimes can’t—know the day we receive our diploma. Along the way of creating the book, Katherine uncovered the essential and often surprising advice for graduates, including answers to questions like:
• How do I find my first job in a tough economy?
• How do I decide between a career that pays well and one that I’m passionate about?
• How do I balance work with friends, relationships, and family?
• Should I take a “gap year” before starting my first job?
• What should I do about my student loan debt?
Drawing on the stories and real-life experiences of contributors such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver, Eva Longoria, Bear Grylls, and more, Katherine has written the must-have guide for recent and soon-to-be graduates as they prepare to seek success and fulfillment in their work, relationships, and lives.
I highly recommend the book to everyone! Schwarzenegger fans will love to read Arnold's 'advices'! Head to your local book store, or buy the book digitally on the iTunes Store! It's a great read!

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