TAFs Exclusive Interview with Twisted Sister's Dee Snider!
At TerrorCon 2014 in Providence RI, Dee Snider of rock band Twister Sister and personality on “Celebrity Apprentice” happily signed photos and copies of his book for fans. He also gladly talked with Amanda of TheArnoldFans about his involvement in Schwarzenegger’s political campaign years ago, along with showing his true fan colors!
DEE SNIDER: "Well, when I got the call from Arnold’s campaign people saying they wanna use “We’re Not Gonna Take It” as his battle cry, so to speak, his campaign song, I was knocked out! Because Arnold did not know this, but my album “Stay Hungry” which had “We’re Not Gonna Take It” on it, was inspired by an Arnold phrase “Stay Hungry”, that was inspired by one of his books."
"His books tend to be very inspirational and motivational, as well as soft of biographical. So the “Stay Hungry” album was dedicated to Arnold and he didn’t know it. So, the fact that he wanted to use the song to inspire him that he inspired me to write, to me was this crazy, full circle thing. And I said, you know, I’m honored to have him use a song of mine that he inspired me to write in the first place."
TAFs: That’s so cool! What is your favorite Arnold movie, or your Top 3, if it’s hard to pick one?
DEE SNIDER: "I would go all the way back to the “Stay Hungry” movie, is a great one. “Conan”, and “Terminator”, those are the big ones. I mean, I like his comedy work and stuff like that, he’s done a lot of great stuff. Oh, and “Predator”, too, you know “PREDATOR”, not “Predator 2”. So yeah, I like Bad Ass Arnold."
You can view Dee below talking to me but the audio is not the best due to the convention crowds. Still, it's good to see Dee...and to see him still pumped for Arnold.

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