TAFs Interviews SABOTAGE's Olivia Williams & Bill Block!
While "Sabotage" might be chasing away general audiences domestically due to extreme violence or critics with low-foreheads, the film has yet to hit many international territories for release. If you haven't already seen this fantastic film, get ready for big action and a terrific cast. There aren't too many females in Sabotage but the ones who are in it, are some of the better characters (next to Arnold, of course)! One great female lead is the police crime-fighter Caroline, played by Olivia Williams. Surprisingly, most of the well-played humor comes from the funny banter between her and her partner Jackson, played by Harold Perrineau, who are both on the case to solve murder's surrounding Arnold's character.
On the red carpet I interviewed Olivia Williams. So follow me, get your guns, move! "Stack up" and prepare to BREACH!
TheArnoldFans: What was the best part about working with Arnold?
Olivia Williams: "The fact that a former Mr. Universe admired my intercostal muscles, I'd have to say that was my proudest moment."
TheArnoldFans: What sort of training did you do for this role?
Olivia Williams: "I did some ride alongs with the Atlanta Police Department because my character is in the police department. I'm not in the DEA (with Arnold's crew). So I did see some dark sides of downtown Atlanta. And I did some shooting training and I have to say that I held my own on the shooting range. I also had some hand-to-hand combat training."
TheArnoldFans: How do you deal with all the violence from a David Ayer movie?
Olivia Williams: "I was interested in this movie because I'm interested in the war on drugs and weather or not it works. I read a script that was extreamily interesting about DEA corruption and it dealt with things in the present situation and that's how I justified it to myself."
I also had the opportunity to speak with Sabotage producer Bill Block. Bill told me that he was amazed how Arnold got into the water repeatedly while filming a deleted alternate ending. We have some deleted shots below showing Arnold still wet after he emerges from the lake. Bill told me he was amazed how Schwarzenegger never complained and just walked right down into this cold lake water over and over during a 2am or 3am shoot. Bill added that Arnold showed strong leadership. I also asked this "District 9" producer if there will be a sequel and he sounded optimistic. We're all hoping Arnold gets a lead role in this sci-fi epic sequel. Would that be called "District 10" or "District Numero Uno"?

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