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Get Your "Arnold Series" Supplements From Campus Protein!

By now we've all heard the news that the ultimate action hero has a new fitness line of supplements created by MusclePharm! They had a HUGE booth at the Arnold Sports Festival and it was packed with people wanting The Arnold Series. But the question remains: Which store gets the official seal of approval and is the #1 pick by WHERE do I buy Schwarzeneger's "Arnold Series" supplements you ask? Buy them from Campus Protein, the best and ballsiest suppliers of these Arnold products!

"Universities around the country now look to Campus Protein as their one and only stop for supplements. A once two man show is now run by over one hundred of Campus Protein representatives around the nation. There are currently over 50 Campus Protein sites nationally, and more than 100 more in line to open with in the upcoming months. But don't worry, you don't have to be on a campus to order, their services and reliable times are now offered to people not in school and even Alumni! Now, it’s not every day you hear a meat head success story like this one, so go out and support!"

We said hi to these guys at the Arnold Sports Festival, and their booth was constantly swamped. They offer fantastic prices and FREE same-day delivery to campuses where they have reps. Upon checkout from your order, be sure to tell them sent you. The Arnold Series product line initially launched with nearly ten different supplements supporting the four fitness pillars: performance, power & strength, nutrient support and recovery. There's the Iron Pump, the Iron Dream, Iron Cuts, Iron Cre3, Iron Whey, the Iron Pack and more! Check out which product is perfect for you by clicking HERE!

“I’ve been on a crusade to promote fitness for more than four decades,” said Arnold. “That has led to the largest health and fitness convention in the world, six books, seminars all over the globe, and visits to all 50 states as chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness. This vitamin and supplement line is the next step. After meeting with the MusclePharm team, learning about the company, and spending time with the founders, I knew they were the perfect partners to start a line of nutritional supplements and continue promoting fitness around the world. Their passion for sports nutrition and science fits perfectly with my mission to help everyone discover the benefits of health and nutrition. I’m excited to partner with MusclePharm on the exclusive Arnold Series and develop this line of nutritional supplements that not only carry my name but also represent my lifelong commitment to fitness.” So what are you waiting for? Let's support Arnold and his supplement line and at the same time, let's get pumped and begin to transform ourselves into champions. Check out all the Arnold Series products NOW at!

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Reader Comments (1)

Excited to discover Campus Protein as a source for 'Arnold Series' supplements! Their commitment to providing quality products aligns with my fitness goals. Looking forward to exploring their range and incorporating these supplements into my routine. Here's to a journey of enhanced performance and wellness with Campus Protein
November 19, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterFlix

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