Is Sabotage's David Ayer & Arnold Open to Commando 2?
On the red carpet for the Sabotage premiere, I spoke with the director, David Ayer, who not only tells TheArnoldFans that the film was originally 3 hours long, he also tells us that he has a Commando script for Arnold! Just imagine the iconic return of John Matrix but mixed with a contemporary yet gritty directing style of an Ayer film!
TheArnoldFans: Would you like to work together with Arnold? How about Commando 2?
David Ayer: "Yes, a Commando reboot is something I've definitely been kicking around and I actually did a draft of a script. Right now I am currently finishing another film, but I'm open to it."
TheArnoldFans: Does "reboot" mean NEW CAST with a NEW John Matrix actor or does Arnold get offered the role first?
David Ayer: "it would be a new cast."
Arnold, listening in and not happy with David's response or possibly now wanting to do this film, now chimed in.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Make sure we talk!"
TheArnoldFans: Can you talk about the Sabotage deleted scenes?
David Ayer: "There are many deleted scenes. I think the first assembly of this film was about three hours. So as you make these really hard choices and as you shape the film, you wish people could see it and that's what will be great about the DVD, because there will be a lot on there!"
TheArnoldFans: Do you like to put yourself in your films?
David Ayer: No. I like to stay behind the camera. I don't want to have to yell at myself for screwing up on camera.
TheArnoldFans: What are your top three Arnold movies?
David Ayer: "Terminator, Predator and Total Recall."
TheArnoldFans: With how violent and graphic Sabotage is, were you ever under any pressure to tone it down to try for a wider audience?
David Ayer: There wasn't any pressure to tone it down. I had freedom as a filmmaker. Real life is violent.

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