Stars & Cast Talk & Jingle All the Way with TheArnoldFans!
Sinbad: "What they are doing a new version without me! Ain't gonna work!"
Sinbad: "Somebody STOLE my TurboMan doll! I think my nephew stole it. I had a Dimentor Doll, and Arnold Schwarzenegger lied to me and said that he would get me a new one, and they NEVER made them. I cried. I think that they didn't want the competition between TurboMan and my doll."

I also interviewed Scott Eastwood, son of Clint. I had the opportunity to speak with Scott on the red carpet for "Sabotage" but we haven't shared this yet.
TheArnoldFans: Your film "Dawn Patrol" stars Rita Wilson, who starred with Arnold in Jingle All the Way, the story of a father who gives his son the ultimate Christmas gift. What was the very best Christmas gift your dad gave you when you were a child?
Scott Eastwood: "I don't think they were tangible things; It was more advice and life lessons. That's what I take away from my father. We're not too concerned in our family with material shit. I mean my dad drives a 1991 police interceptor Fold around town. He doesn't give a shit what he drives. And we're the same way, we're not those kind of people. It's more about life lesson and how to handle yourself. As far as a favorite toy? I did a lot of outdoor stuff. Like fishing and hunting. That was the stuff I liked. Jingle All the Way is a great movie though."
TheArnoldFans: What are your top 3 Arnold movies?
Scott Eastwood: "Predator was one of my favorite movies growing up. Twins and I think another great one was True Lies."
Now here's an excerpt from an interview we had with E.J. de la Pena who played Johnny (best friend to Jamie and Ted's son). The full interview will be online soon and played on our Podcast, Arnold Radio News!
TheArnoldFans: You played Johnny, Phil Hartman's son in Jingle All the Way. What did you think of the film when it came out and how do you think it holds up today?
"The first time I saw it (the film) was at the premiere and honestly I had a lot of fun with it. It was a fun thing that we all put together but I had no idea it would become the classic with all the fans that it seems to have. But I wasn't really thinking about that back then. I was pretty young: 8 or 9 years old. But as far as it holding up, I think the fact that it is replayed every year, in the marathon capacity that it has and all the fans...I mean, I'll be talking with folks and it will come up that i'm an actor and i'll mention it (Jingle All the Way) as one of my credits and more often than not people will tell me it's their favorite Christmas scene and so on and so fourth. So I think that alone shows you how is stood up to the test of time."

Finally, we'll never forget that Megan Fox has exceptional taste in movies! Here's what she told TheArnoldFans after we asked for he favorite Schwarzenegger film!
Megan Fox: "You know, Jingle All the Way! I'm not being sarcastic. I was like seven then when it came out and I loved it. I LOVED IT!"
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