USC Schwarzenegger Institute, Predator Figures, & Escape Plan!
First up, in a busy week of Arnold news, let's talk about Arnold's recent trip to Seoul, Korea! On Friday, the Governor was the keynote speaker for the USC Schwarzenegger Institute Global Conference. The Institute for State and Global Policy is committed to advancing post-partisanship, where leaders put people over political parties and work together to find the best ideas and solutions to benefit the people they serve.
Schwarzenegger spoke about his rules of success. We particularly enjoyed his 4th rule and ow he tied it into Health Care.
Rule #4: We must accept personal responsibility.
"If you walk around being 200 pounds overweight, and eat cheeseburgers all day long so that the grease runs down your chin, and you refuse to exercise, smoke 40 cigarettes a day and wash it down with a bottle of whiskey...I don't think it makes any sense to be out there screaming and demanding better health care from the Government. It needs to start by taking care of yourself. If you eat garbage, you're going to end up looking like a garbage can."
The Institute will seek to influence public policy and public debate in finding solutions to the serious challenges we face. Watch Arnold's speech NOW for yourself in the video below! For the USC Schwarzenegger Institute updates, follow and @ASInstituteUSC.
Next on our plate, we'll serve you with a tasty dish of Escape Plan news. At long last, Escape Plan, we'll finally be getting that movie trailer and movie poster! Summit Entertainment tells TheArnoldFans that we'll see the poster in under two weeks. They'll get back to us when they learn the exact confirmed release date but some rumors suggest June 7th is when we'll feast our eyes on that Arnold/Sly's poster. Even better than a poster release is to actually see some film footage! Lionsgate, a partner with Summit, says the trailer is planned to be attached to Red 2 on 7/19 and it should be released online a day or two earlier! Only a few more weeks to go!
Finally, our friends at NECA, the world's best toy manufacturing company, plans to expand their hot Predator toy line! In addition to the many Dutch and alien Predator figures that they recently produced, they may now be doing the full team. Next in NECA's sites is Dillon (that C.I.A S.O.B)! They tweeted the actor in hopes to acquire his likeness for the figure.
NECA: @TheCarlWeathers heard you like our Apollo figure, can we discuss producing a Dillon figure from Predator w/ you?
NECA: Those of you who follow closely will note that yes, we tweeted to @TheCarlWeathers this morning. We want to try to make Dillon happen.
Stick around for exciting new licensing deals from NECA. If we get a Bill Duke, we're ..."gonna have me some fun"? "Gonna have me some fun!"

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