Exclusive: TAFs Attends Escape Plan Red Carpet & Interviews Mikael Håfström.
Greetings Fellow Arnold Fans! Brandon Krum here with some tales of high adventure! It was Tuesday, October 15th at around 7pm. The Gillinator and I were positioned at our prime spot INSIDE the theater lobby during the Escape Plan Premiere right next to the likes of MTV and other TV journalists!
We had the opportunity to talk to some of the film's biggest names, including Arnold himself! And of course Schwarzenegger's co-stars Sly Stallone, Jim Caviezel, Amy Ryan, Faran Tahir, 50 Cent and the film's director Mikael Håfström were also on the scene that night! Read The Gillinators Arnold Interview HERE! Read one of my personal celebrity encounters below!
We met up with Escape Plan's director, Swedish filmmaker Mikael Håfström. He has directed such films as the paranormal thriller 1408 starring John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson, and The Rite - starring the great Anthony Hopkins. We met up with him on the Red Carpet, and he was more then happy to chat with TheArnoldFans.com!
TheArnoldFans: For this film, were there any deleted scene's that did not make it into the picture?
Mikael: Very few actually. I think it's funny you ask that, because I have never made a movie where I actually used so much material, in the actual movie, that was shot, there is a few things that will be on the DVD that will come out. But there is nothing.. major.
TheArnoldFans: You screened the film back at the San Diago Comic Con a few months ago. Have there been any changes made to the film since then?
Mikael: A little bit. You know, Nip tucking a little bit here and there. We have more of a finished version of the film, color correction, sound, and maybe some music bits. But nothing major from Comic Con.
TheArnoldFans: Arnold has kind of a "potty-mouth" in this film. Were you going for an R rating, or were you just trying to tell the best story possible?
Mikael: I was told that it was Ok for me to make an R rated movie. So you know, that's what we did. And I think that it's alright. I don't think that the violence in the film is gratuitous, it's not over the top. It's there, sometimes it's a violent movie. But you can't have a bunch of guys like this in a prison movie walking around normally not being able to say the "F-Word" for two hours. It's not believable.
TheArnoldFans: Other then Escape Plan, what is your top Arnold movie, and top Sly movie?
Mikael: Well, I think the first Rocky for Sly. And I think for Arnold for me personally, the first Terminator. Because it was such a special thing when that came out I remember. I mean I think the second one is a masterpiece. The first one I have a very strong personal relationship to. So I will always remember that. For both those guys, those are two films that I have obviously seen a lot. They have made other films too, but those two are close to my heart.
TheArnoldFans: Would you ever work with Arnold again?
Mikael: Yeah, we have been talking about that. It's not about any lack of interest working together. If we find something that would interest him, we have discussed that. We will be looking for stuff to do together. It would be great to do that. He is such a pleasant man, he's a real gentleman. Besides everything else he is, to have him around, we have become really good friends doing this. And I appreciate his friendship.
TheArnoldFans: Did Arnold have any improv moments? Or did he stick to the script?
Mikael: You know, we all tried to find, in a movie like this, you need to use your actors. And those guys have been around. Whenever they come out it's "Lets do another take', say something different, 'blah blah'. Maybe something great will come of it, maybe not. You know it doesn't hurt for me to try. And there are several moments in the film that comes from that sort of way of working.
TheArnoldFans: Thanks Mikael! It's been a pleasure, we absolutely love your work. Good luck!
Mikeal: Thank you!
Mikael was very gracios to give us so much of his time! He was also fun at the After Party! He has such a passion for his craft, and had so much fun working with Arnold and Sly! You can watch the video of Mikael's interview below!
Over all the Escape Plan premiere was a big hit! Seeing the stars on the Red Carpet is always a lot of fun, and the movie itself was a blast! You have to see this thing in theaters! Come on! GO! Get to da theaters! Look out for further tales of Red Carpet and After Party adventures! Is that Sly with my girlfriend!?

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