"Arnold's Army" Updates & "Total Recall" Book Trailer!
There are some happy, pumped-up book readers these days! The fans will be two-fisting two of the decade's most anticipated books: Arnold's Total Recall, released on October 1st, and Arnold’s Army: A Schwarzenegger Uprising, released on September 22 (or now for TAFs readers). Arnold now has book signings in Los Angeles and in Ohio with more locations to come. Randy Jennings will also be signing Arnold's Army at a book release party soon so stay tuned to ArnoldsArmy.com for more info.
Something that got out hearts and muscles pumping this morning was seeing the epic new Schwarzenegger trailer for his book TOTAL RECALL! Watch the trailer HERE!

Now we have a contest for you to be eligible to win some Schwarzenegger swag! We've got lots of Arnold merchandise ready to go out to a lucky fan! Here's what you have to do! After you receive Arnold's Army: A Schwarzenegger Uprising, take a picture of you posing with the book and post it on Facebook or twitter (@Arnolds_Army). Be SURE to tag TheArnoldFans and Arnold's Army on at leas one of these social networks. We want you out of the house in this photo and choose a fun location. Maybe you're at the gym on a treadmill, standing in front of a national monument, diving into a pool (waterproof that book), at a concert, out at sea, being chased by a dog at the dog park? It doesn't matter, just go somewhere fun and make us smile and be eligible for a box of Arnold goodies! Someone is going to win it. Will it be YOU?
Many positive reviews are already coming our way from Arnold's Army. Well, for those of you who loved it and want more, we NOW have some bonus outtake stories and deleted photos from the book! Read all about the author's experience being an extra on Junior or read Randy's adventures to his FIRST Arnold Classic in 1993!
Order the book now, Arnold fans! The 1st Edition printing with author autographs are nearly sold out but if you act fast, you'll secure a copy and be first in line to read all about the exclusive celebrity interviews and exciting movie and cartoon news. Book ordering info: www.arnoldsarmy.com

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