The Music and International Trailer for The Last Stand!
The International trailer for The Last Stand is now online! Although it’s very similar to the U.S. version, it does move at a quicker pace and it offers a couple of extra scene. Watch the international trailer by clicking HERE!
One extra shot in the trailer shows actor Daniel Henney. In a recent live Q&A with Henney, he tweeted this below new photo and he responded to TheArnoldFans with one of our own questions.
TAFs: @danielhenney What was your best day on #TheLastStand?
Daniel: @TheArnoldFans Meeting Arnold and Forest Whitaker...and working with @genirodriguez!
Genesis Rodriguez, the sexy actress from The Last Stand and Man on a Ledge, then got in on our twitter conversation.
"Thank you & likewise," she added. We then asked her what her WORSE day was on the set of The Last Stand.
Genesis Rodriguez: @TheArnoldFans well working nights w/a fever in 30 degree weather kinda sux but an angel prepared me a hot totty &4got all ab it!
On the official website for the movie, offers up a sample of the music for the film. Mowgs’s score is very reminiscent of the recent TRON soundtrack. It’s rather powerful; Give it a listen!
Finally, we’d like to thanks Lionsgate for sending us this package in the mail. Lots of goodies including The Last Stand poster, Rambo, The Expendables DVD and a very cool Last Stand two-sided shirt. This will certainly be worn on January 18th for the film’s release date. See you at the party!

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